Blog Articles


Procrastination! Are You Slowly Boiling to Death?

First, the procrastination story: There were these three researchers who took a baby frog and popped it into a pot of boiling water. What do you think the frog did? If you answered “jumped out,” go to the head of the class! The impact was sudden enough to make it take quick, life-saving action. Then

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Intention Wins Every Time

Some wonder if there is a “secret formula” for building a great practice. Well, there IS a basic, or underlying, formula. It is a very short formula, one word: INTENTION. Let’s take a look at exactly what intention is. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, intention is the “determination to do a specific thing or

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Image, Image, Image

Want to have more new patients walking in your front door? Maybe you need to improve your front door! One of the easiest ways to increase new patient numbers is to update the image your practice projects. Many practices, having been around for a while, get a sort of tired, unchanging look that patients actually

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Practical Marketing: Part Three

There are many marketing ideas and concepts that purport to help you increase the size of your practice. With over 24 years of experience in working with healthcare practices, and more than 1,300 clients consulted and trained by us, we have seen a full gamut of right and wrong, workable and unworkable marketing ideas. This

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Practical Marketing: Part Two

More On Marketing Your Practice This is the second in a series of Practice Quick Tips addressing proven marketing concepts for expanding your practice. Here are a few more simple but effective ideas that you can implement to improve your marketing efforts and bring more business in the front door. (More to follow in subsequent

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Practical Marketing: Part One

Marketing Your Practice for Doubling Your Number of New Clients This is the first in a series of Practice Quick Tips addressing proven marketing concepts for expanding your practice. The basic rule for marketing is that the more you promote to your target market (potential clientele), the more new patients you will attract to your

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How To Increase Your Patient Referrals

One of the keys to a successful practice is having an abundance of new patients calling in and walking through your front door. How do you do that without racking up a heavy advertising budget that could eat away all your hard-earned profits? Oddly enough, the answer is right inside your practice! Namely, word of

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