Physiotherapy Testimonials

Gerry Ross
Ross Physiotherapy Solutions
4-318 Guelph Road
Georgetown, ON, L7G 4B5
Working with the people at The Art Of Management has allowed me to take my physiotherapy clinic in the direction that I wanted, rather than it taking me away from my family and distracting my passion for helping patients.
The clinic’s revenues went up significantly and with fewer staff. Most importantly the training and guidance by AMI made this happen in a way that everyone at the clinic is very proud of. Our staff are far better organized, we enjoy our work, our patients are being helped and they support us because of it. The people at AMI know what they are doing and really care about their clients.
Thank you for all of your help!

Sue Underhill
103-186 Erie Street
Collingwood, ON, L9Y 4T3
Since I started working with the team at AMI, my physiotherapy clinic has made huge progress.
I am now confident that I have the knowledge to successfully choose and manage the staff, clients and all other aspects of my practice.
The best change has definitely been reflected in my bank account. My weekly Billings are double what they were in this month last year, and since I have the tools I need to succeed, I see no end in sight to the increase.
I know there are other physiotherapists who, like me, learned how to be a good physiotherapist in school, but who would benefit greatly from the type of mentoring and education that I am getting with AMI!