Dental Testimonials

Dr. Joe Strickland & Dr. Melissa Brobst
876 Conception Bay Highway,
Conception Bay South, NL A1X 7T5
As the co-owner of a dental clinic approaching it’s tenth year in operation we’ve seen significant growth since it’s inception. We began as a 5-person operation, have progressed to a 15 member staff and are on the cusp of another expansion involving an office and parking lot renovation in order to hire more staff so we can provide more care to our existing and future patients.
Our educational background, though strong dentally, did not include much on how to operate or manage a business. In stepped AMI which, even through a pandemic, has provided us with the educational tools to manage our existing business and expand to the point we can hardly keep up with the physical demands necessary for growth.
The courses have been a wealth of information and given us management insight we definitely did not have prior to taking the course. We have found the consulting invaluable to keep us on track and hold our hand throughout it all. Thanks, AMI for providing us guidance when we needed it most!

Dr. Aaron Langdon
126 Lakeshore Rd, St. Catharines, ON L2N 2T5
When I first contacted AMI, I was relatively new to dental practice ownership and had never received any training in running a practice yet I already owned 2 locations.
Through the training at AMI, I have improved my communication skills and have learned to properly interpret, and act upon, changes in practice statistics on a weekly basis. The executive skills have helped me be a better leader to my teams.
Through their consulting services, I have received valuable guidance on diverse areas of practice ownership including managing employees, advertising, hiring, and scheduling, among others.
My production has increased by 50% since starting with AMI, and I wish I had begun this program earlier!
I would recommend AMI to any of my colleagues. I am thankful to the colleagues that told me about AMI – otherwise I would not have heard of them.

Dr. Vineet Sidhu
300-2 Lorry Greenberg Drive
Ottawa, ON K1G 5H6
(613) 736-5000
I have been a client of AMI for about 17 years. When I first found out about AMI, I was not sure how it would go. However, after doing the courses and the consultancy, I was pleasantly surprised that the results were significantly better than I expected. I would say, I got my money’s worth and several times more.
They have several intelligent methods of management that I have not seen in any other dental office management companies. These methods helped me reduce stress and actually made managing a dental office fun. I would never have thought that that is possible. Their systems and tools are simple to apply and the results are phenomenal, especially in areas of managing staff, emotions and difficult patient situations, as well as practice growth and planning.
Now, I have two successful practices and I can easily say that I would not be where I am without the sincere help I received from AMI. I would highly recommend AMI and would be more than happy to answer any questions.
Dr. Vineet Sidhu

Dr. Michelle Redden
A30 – 134 Primrose Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7K 5S6
Since purchasing my practice 13 years ago, I always had steady growth but also ever increasing stress levels. I had three children under the age of 4 and was having difficulty holding it all together. I wanted to cut back my hours to have more time at home while still increasing my income. I thought I was asking for the impossible of AMI. I believed it was too good to be true when Janice told me I could “have my cake and eat it too!”
I had always kept quite a few statistics on my own. I watched them go up and down, but I had no idea what to do about them as they fluctuated. At AMI, I learned what to do, step by step, in response to my statistics. This relieved my stress load incredibly, knowing that I had more control than I thought. Within my first year with AMI, I had cut my chairside hours in half and had doubled the practice’s gross income. We expanded our facilities 1½ years ago and continue to have increasing demand. I know that I could have continued to grow my practice on my own, but it would not have happened so smoothly or quickly as it has with the ongoing support that I receive as an AMI client.

Dr. Nawar Touchan
(613) 789-3584
278 Friel Street
Ottawa ON, K1N 7W1
The Art of Management (AMI) program is superbly structured, and is tailored perfectly to the needs of health professionals wishing to see their practices flourish. I very strongly endorse the AMI program, and can personally attest to the impressive outcomes that the professional consultants can help to deliver to your business.
The professionals at AMI helped me to considerably bolster the productivity and profitability at my practices through providing expert training to both myself and my entire staff in a number of vital areas, such as optimizing patient scheduling, accurately monitoring growth, developing rapport with patients, and fostering harmonious working relationships between staff members.
AMI is composed of a team of highly trained, experienced experts, and I highly recommend their program to any savvy professional wishing to significantly strengthen all facets of their practice. Their program is a highly worthwhile investment in yourself and your practice.

Dr. Marla Peters and
Dr. Jordan D’Eon
Gateway Dental
369 Grafton Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 1M1
Dear Colleague,
Before we started using AMI’s services, we had just merged our two separate practices into one, and it seemed that what had worked for managing a few staff was not so workable for a suddenly much larger team. Additionally, we were mid-planning stage for the building of a new, larger facility to move the practice into. It quickly became evident that we needed some management skills to make everything run more smoothly for the patients, our staff and ourselves.
In dental school, we received zero business training … we knew how to do the dentistry part but not the business side and knew we needed some courses in management. So we hired AMI to help us.
AMI gave us strategies and advice on how to implement policies and protocols to make things more stable and structured, and it is now easier to control the practice and ensure that things are getting done. We learned the importance of training our staff to make things run more efficiently in order to serve our patients better. Dealing with staff disruptions (mat leaves) and so on has become easier.
It was very helpful to have an outsider’s (our consultant) opinion and advice on many matters that weren’t always straight forward to deal with. We work in a microcosm whereas he has consulted hundreds of dentists and has a large databank from which to draw experienced opinions.
We are now in our new dental facility and feel less stressed, more in control, and more able to focus on our dentistry. Of course, our production levels have increased substantially as a result. Now WE are running the practice as opposed to the practice running us, thanks to our AMI management training and consulting.

Dr. Jason Noel
125-127 Main Hwy P.O. Box 1560
Bay Roberts, NF A0A 1G0
My wife, Dr. Michelle Zwicker, and I graduated from Dalhousie in 2000 and each went into associateships for one year. We wanted to buy a practice where we could practice together and ended up buying the practice where Michelle was associating in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland.
After a couple of years in practice, we were crazy busy and quickly got overwhelmed with the amount of work. We knew that the dentistry wasn’t the problem – we knew how to do that; we realized we didn’t know a lot about business and how to manage the people who worked for us. The practice was kind of running itself – not us running it! And, there was no personal time for us.
Then came AMI with their in-depth practice management system. There were changes immediately and everyone loved the differences.
One of the first issues addressed (because it was causing so much stress) was the scheduling of hygiene checks. The change AMI recommended took the pressure off everyone immediately, making the dentists, staff and patients happier.
I came to realize there were a lot of things I was doing myself that I was paying other people to do. Although the staff were doing their jobs the best way they knew how, I found out that I hadn’t defined their roles for them as well as I should have. This resulted in a lot of inefficiencies, and of course, AMI helped me remedy that situation too.
After several months with AMI, I found myself working fewer hours, spending more time with my wife and our newborn son, while miraculously the billings went up significantly.
Another challenge was that we had outgrown our space and were bumping into each other. We were trying to see all the people coming our way but didn’t have enough physical room, and we ended up spinning our wheels. Plans had been made for a new building but our worry was how we were going to run the place if we got even bigger and busier. AMI not only assisted us in improving our existing operation in the cramped quarters, but also helped us work our way through the expansion plan as well.
Probably the biggest thing AMI did for me was to give me the tools to be a better manager and make changes on my own in the future. It gave me confidence and I now feel in control of the practice and my life in general.
I am most proud of how we improved our bottom line, staff relations, and created more time for ourselves and our family, without decreasing the quality of dentistry that we were offering our patients. My experience at AMI was extremely rewarding.

Dr. Sajid Syed
105 Lock Street East
Dunnville, ON N1A 1J6
As for AMI and their consulting, this time last year I was stressed and frustrated about my practice and I had no idea how to handle the different issues that were there. I knew I was a good executive, but after attending the first seminar with AMI I was quite convinced that you guys knew what you were talking about. It just made a lot of sense and I also knew that I needed to learn more. I had my doubts, but when I started taking the courses and implementing all the tools of management that you taught me, my practice has gone from average to great!
I have met all my goals and am setting new ones for the new year. My staff is surprised by the numbers – they never thought it was possible. The investment into AMI has paid itself back more than once in just a year like you said it would.
At this point in time, I have all the tools that I need to effectively manage and run my practice for the remainder of my career which honestly just started. I am glad I joined AMI when I did and am excited about the future.
Finally, I would like to thank Janice, Bob, Margaret, Jacqui, Dave, Louie and everyone else who helped me through this fantastic journey!

Dr. Masoud Saidi
201 – 6351 197th Street
Langley, BC V2Y 1X8
Reaching one’s destination or goals can be achieved in many ways. I joined AMI about a year ago to find the right path for our growth. Because our practice was expanding, I believed that I could reach my practice production goals on my own. However, I needed help with “getting there” without burning out my staff and myself. As well, I needed a coach who could tell me what other realities existed within my chosen career path.
With AMI, I learned some of the management skills that had been incomplete or missing in my professional life. Bob’s insight and guidance are truly remarkable, helpful and relevant. I can now apply these tools to the everyday aspect of my personal and business life, not just dentistry. With AMI’s help and guidance, our practice has grown beyond our initial production goals and we still have the capacity for further growth, without having to increase my time at the practice.
Joining AMI and getting to know Bob and Janice Wheeler and their team has been an exceptional experience. AMI’s emphasis on high ethics and management skills enables any individual or business to better itself through facts, figures and a bit of art.

Dr. Jim Yeganegi
Image Smiles Dental
1404-750 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1J4
Ten years ago, I had purchased my dental practice from an established dentist whom I had associated with for five years. At the time my focus was getting my speed, knowledge, and skill set up to par for operating an established dental practice. I had a great working relationship with the dentist, and his team, and eventually bought the practice from him and I kept him on as an associate.
After years of practising, building relationships with patients, and continuing to learn modern dentistry, I sat down and evaluated myself as a dentist, an employer, and a businessman, and thought about the long-term vision I had for my dental practice and my legacy in whatever capacity it may be. I had a good idea of my strengths (which were confidence in the quality of dentistry that I provide, my genuine care about my patients and team members, and love for dentistry) and the direction towards which the practice was heading.
I realized that my greatest weakness was that I was a very poor “business man.” Realizing that health care in general has changed over the years and business is a key component of it now, I knew I had to do something. I had no training in business, just in science and dentistry. This was when I first obtained the help of a local consultant. After a year of consulting, practice management advice and restructuring my office, I felt things were on the right track.
However, I soon recognized some tension amongst my team members, and noticed that the practice structure was slipping away from where I wanted it to be. I sat down one-on-one with my team and asked them what they felt. The common theme was that I — THE PRACTICE OWNER, THE BOSS — had not taken control of the practice nor my vision, but rather had paid a consultant to do so and this had created disorder, confusion and tension.
Fortunately fellow member in an implant study club I belong to told me about AMI. He shared his story with me and what he felt AMI had done for him and his dental practice. Enter Janice Wheeler (President of The Art Of Management Inc.). We had a meeting and she asked me about my interests, passions outside of dentistry as well as my vision, goals and future for my practice. After our conversation I signed on with AMI and commenced a year long relationship and eye opening educational experience for which I will always be thankful.
While I provided great challenges for my consultants, Briar Willette and Bob Wheeler, their patience and willingness to work with my schedule and travel time from Vancouver was greatly appreciated. The entire AMI team is very accommodating but do not waiver from their focus on the task at hand which is to make us all better people in business, personal and professional relationships, and to help us achieve our visions and goals.
Their ability to evaluate key aspects of the personnel, operational, and financial components of the client’s business is remarkable and a testament to their strength and success as a consulting firm. They have taught me how to manage my business, take ownership of my practice, communicate with my team members and hold myself accountable to ensure the success of my personal and professional life.
I feel very blessed to have come into dentistry under the guidance of a caring, established dentist. I feel even more blessed that I had realized the changes in dentistry and business and the need to educate myself on how to manage and control those changes which led me to AMI. While the learning process will never and should never end, I feel that AMI has given me the skill set and tools to be well equipped to progress with time and the ever changing fields of dentistry and business.
I thank everyone at AMI and will highly recommend any and all business operators to seek their services to better themselves.

Dr. Lori Lahti
69A Bowes Street
Parry Sound, ON P2A 2L5
At the beginning, I was skeptical about joining AMI. I had brought my practice up to a certain level by myself, but I had reached the point where I needed some guidance to continue growing. I joined AMI and must say how pleasantly surprised I have been with the results.
AMI has taught me how to run my practice more efficiently and effectively, resulting in less stress and more production. This in return allowed me to focus my efforts on quality dentistry, which is the most important of all.
Thank you, AMI.

Dr. Francois Lechner
133 – 100 chemin Rockland
Ville Mont-Royal, QC H3P 2V9
I met with Janice Wheeler, President of AMI, in a one-on-one meeting a few years ago. She reviewed with me how I could improve my practice. All the suggestions made sense but, as I had a small practice then, I thought it would have been difficult to accommodate the extra business, and I made the decision not to use their services then.
I ordered the reading material they offered, and it provided great organizing systems that I readily implemented in my practice. I particularly enjoyed the Basic Hat for Employees book.
A year later, circumstances dictated a relocation of my office about a kilometer from my existing one. I opted for a larger space and brought in an associate to provide for some expansion. I also had to hire some extra staff.
At that stage, I felt overwhelmed and I knew I needed a business coach. Coincidentally, I got a call from the Art of Management group telling me they where giving a seminar in Montreal in a few days. I attended with my associate and it provided a wealth of good advice. The next day we had a one-on-one meeting with Carla North, the VP of AMI, and I knew I had to go through with their program this time.
Their program of consulting and training is spread over a period of 12 months and I enjoyed the weekly coaching phone calls. My consultants analyzed my practice in detail and then prepared a very logical program to set things right. They taught me how to run my business without running it FOR me. This put ME in control. Interestingly enough, I was surprised that all of the staff cooperated with the consultants’ recommendations as it involved some changes in the tasks and responsibilities of all.
We did lose a couple of staff who did not like the fact that they were now accountable for their results, but with the help of an amazingly accurate pre-hiring test provided by The Art Of Management, we replaced them with wonderful, hardworking and responsible team members.
After a few months of implementing all the suggested management techniques, we finally saw results. There was a good increase in revenues and it has been sustained for the past twelve months. Even with the economic downturn we are facing now, I feel confident that I will continue to enjoy good productivity and a fun place to work in.
In retrospect, doing this AMI program when I had the smaller office would have proven as beneficial, if not more, as it teaches you how to streamline your practice for maximum efficiency and profits no matter what the size of your practice is. I would have also have avoided some costly mistakes in my expansion.
Thank you to all the wonderful people at AMI.

Dr. Gita Mehrabani
32A – 4699 boul St-Charles
Pierrefonds, QC H9H 3C7
I joined AMI in 2004 and my office and life have had a complete turn around since then. I watched my stats beat record after record each month and year, and there seems to be no end in sight.
I have been working 4 days a week in the last year and having 3 day weekends. Looking at my stats, you wouldn’t know there has been any decrease in my hours. We have set new records for our average daily production which seemed to have reached its maximum last year.
I work hard during those 4 days and relax and spend quality time with my family during my 3 days off. AMI has allowed me to fine-tune my life, both personally and professionally. After almost 20 years in practice, I never imagined work could still be so much fun and exciting.
Thank you, AMI.

Dr. Fel Rocci
Gateshead Dental
184 Highway 8,
Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1C3
The experience with AMI was little short of extraordinary. Using a one-on-one approach for their training, AMI gets superior results.
Proper business decisions get made based on an analysis of weekly statistics and following simple formulae. The private consultations smoothed any bumps along the way by addressing my own personal questions. The net result has been a marked improvement in monthly production accompanied by an increased level of communication with both patients and staff.
Every aspect of the practice, including production, collections, cancellations, hiring staff, marketing, communications with staff and patients, and much more is not only addressed but is taught in such a way as to give you the tools so that they follow you wherever you go.
By the time I completed The Art of Management program I felt I had all the tools necessary to be in control of all aspects of the practice. I recommend without reservation The Art Of Management to any practitioner experiencing the drag of struggling with any of the above issues. Eight years later, I can still say that it has been the best investment I have made in my career (maybe in my life) since graduating 28 years ago.

Dr. Karen Archer
57 Erie Street North
Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z4
Dear Colleague,
In April 2003, the opportunity came along to purchase my own dental practice from a retiring dentist. I had worked for 5 years previously as an associate and was excited to start on my own. I thought I was ready. At this time I was also a new mom with a 3 month-old daughter at home. After a few months, I was exhausted and overwhelmed with the demands of running the practice. I was approached by AMI in August and attended the introductory seminar and practice analysis a few weeks later. Let’s just say I walked away inspired. I had inherited a struggling practice financially and an outdated one technologically. The staff was in need of significant retraining as well.
The AMI program was exactly what my practice needed. AMI gave me the tools I needed to take control of my practice and life. First, they helped me train and organize my staff. I learned about delegation of duties and not doing everything myself. Second, they taught me how to manage my practice based on the analysis of weekly statistics. My production increased immediately. This allowed me to outfit the office with much needed equipment. The staff has been very receptive to the changes and is recommitted to the practice.
The staff at AMI was very accommodating to my personal situation and I was able to move through their program at my own pace. What impressed me most with the AMI program is the individualized attention that was given to me and my particular practice situation. Since starting the program, our monthly production has doubled. More importantly, I have reduced my stress and am in control of my own practice. Thank you to my consultant and all AMI staff.

Dr. Rosanna Porretta
Bolton Family Dental Office
(905) 951-9511
24 Shore St
Bolton, ON L7E 4T7
Dear Bob and Janice,
I was away at a conference in November 2012, when another dentist told me about AMI and how you helped him double his practice size. At that time I was myself in financial trouble, so I borrowed some more money and took your course. That was 2013, and in that year I made 10 times more than what I paid you for the course. Your program and business strategies helped me to manage my staff and patients and implement effective changes.
We have been with you since 2013 now and it’s been helpful to have good business advice and feedback at the touch of my finger tips. You have always been there for us and have never left us stranded and many of your ideas have been invaluable. Your team dug me out of a financial hole I dug myself into and I would recommend AMI to anyone looking for professional business expertise, the stuff they don’t teach you in professional schools.

Dr. Joëll LaBrie
512 Hugel Avenue
Midland ON L4R 1V7
Thinking back to before I started with AMI…..I was tired, stressed, and felt somewhat powerless. I thought that was how all business owners felt and that my practice was doing well (or as well as it could). However, “you don’t know what you don’t know”.
As dentists we receive very little business training in school. No wonder I wasn’t as good a manager as I could be. AMI taught me how to become a business manager and a leader for my staff. I learned a lot from every course I took with AMI and it’s incredible what effect this had on my business and my personal life.
The practice performs better. All staff, including myself, are happier, less stressed and more productive.
I think AMI works well because they teach you how to make changes for the better. All changes to office procedure come from you, the practice owner; not from an outside consultant – a stranger – coming in and telling your staff how to make things better.
AMI has changed how I view the world and how I interact with staff, patients, friends and family.
It’s never too late in your career to work with AMI – but the sooner, the better.

Dr. Quentin Gordon
Keystone Dental
#114 – 1600 15th Avenue (Parkwood Place Mall)
Prince George, BC
V2L 3X3
In these tough economic times, we all need experts that we can turn to for help in our time of need. My wife and I came to you (AMI) with a 15 year old practice that was continuing to grow but was out of control. We did not know how to manage its growth – work was consuming too much of our time, energy and resources, and we were slowly losing our grip on the practice as it got larger and larger.
Your team looked at our practice and evaluated our needs (no cookie cutter management program, the same for each office). After evaluating our office, your consultants designed a tailor-made strategy to work with us on to take us and our staff to the next level.
We found out that it was critically important that we have team members that understand and are willing to implement ALL of our wisdom, not just what they wanted to do! Now we finally have people at the front desk that understand and are committed to the concepts of patient management and scheduling.
We have never found a program like this available for dentists and their team members. It is unique and informative. The AMI program exceeded all expectations and delivered on its material and, most importantly, it gave us the effective tools to improve ALL aspects of dental practice management. It covers everything that they should, but don’t, teach at dental school, and the concepts that are so important in creating a successful dental practice and a delightful career.
Not only have the numbers increased in our practice, but our enjoyment of dentistry, our communications with the patients and our stress levels have all improved.
Thank you again for all that you have done for us!

Dr. Gilles Lecours
812 George St.
Hearst, Ontario P0L 1N0
(705) 372-1601
Dear Colleagues:
Upon graduation from dental school, I decided to embark into a partnership. Even though I had joined in with excellent professionals, I found I was very restricted. The business side of my practice had big, undiagnosed weaknesses.
With the help of The Art of Management, we were able to pinpoint those problems and they provided me with all the advice and tools to rectify the situation.
In the past an associate was out of the question. However, now that I have turned things around, not only MUST I incorporate an associate but I am now contemplating hiring a fourth hygienist. My stress level is lower, and my income and the practice are growing.
The Art of Management has been the best investment of my career. It will work for you too.

Dr. Phil Nasralla
1841 Comox Avenue,
Suite 4
Comox, B.C.
Dear Janice and the entire AMI team,
I send you my deepest, heartfelt gratitude for getting my business back on track. One year ago my business was struggling in many ways and I was too stressed to see the forest through the trees.
However under Bob’s guidance and with his detailed action plan, everything improved radically and in a very short time.
We continue to do well and you will be pleased to know that I sing your praises to friends and colleagues whenever the opportunity arises.

Dr. Kari Spencer
D – 1065 Valetta Street
London, ON N6H 2Z9
When AMI contacted me 6 years ago I was a skeptic. But I decided to take the time to listen to what they had to offer. It sounded too good to be true but I knew I couldn’t lose because of their guarantee. I started using their services and I really haven’t looked back.
I was an associate dentist for many years so when I bought my practice I was comfortable with looking after the patients but I was lost when it came to looking after the business. I lacked a strategic plan that all businesses need if they are going to improve and grow. AMI was able to answer all my questions and guide me down the road that I knew I wanted to travel but wasn’t sure how to get to.
I solicited AMI’s help again in early 2010 to help address some new concerns that I had with my practice, in particular in the hygiene department. After thoroughly reviewing my business and then implementing their suggestions, my total billings increased by over 15% last year, with hygiene billings increasing by 20%. More importantly, the amount of downtime experienced by the hygienists has gone down significantly.
I also implemented a bonus system for my staff on AMI’s recommendation. Now, as the staff go about their day-to-day activities, they are very cognizant about making decisions that will be positive for the practice and help to drive growth. As a result of the changes we made in 2010, the hygiene department hit their bonus every month.
As I watch the statistics grow I know that my practice is not only a place that I love to go each day but my staff and patients are on board with me.

Dr. Alma Iancau
1232 Brookdale Ave,
Cornwall, ON K6J 4P8
Dear Colleague:
Before becoming an AMI client, my practice seemed busy but I was working crazy hours, the schedule was out of control, profit was going down and things were a mess. I decided I needed some management skills and a friend of mine who is using AMI’s services recommended them.
As I went through their program of management training and one-on-one consulting and coaching, things got better and better. I improved the systems and structure, got the schedule straightened out, was able to take time for lunch, everything became more efficient, and the production and profitability improved substantially.
My ability to understand and interact with my staff (and patients) has definitely improved. I was like a dictator with my staff before AMI and now I am more like a coach, which is nicer! My staff as a team are calmer and happier because they know what they have to do now that everything is more structured.
I have actually started to like the management side of things. I come to work with pleasure and more confidence in running the business. I know what to do as I am more grounded with management skills. I am able to go on holidays and still have good production for the month, and the staff knows what to do when I’m not there.
I would definitely recommend AMI to anyone who has a business and wants to enjoy it more!

Dr. Catherine Tallerico
201-5025 Yonge Street
North York, ON M2N 5P2
About 7 years ago when AMI first contacted me, I had recently opened my office from scratch, and had a 2 year old daughter and an 8 month old baby boy at home. Tired and overwhelmed by the daily grind and demands in my life, AMI’s call came with perfect timing. I truly felt the office was running me, not the other way around.
With AMI’s help, several factors changed for me which put me back in the driver’s seat. AMI was instrumental in helping me deal with my staff issues which were the start to positive change. Their system of managing by statistics was definitely a positive tool which I learned and still use today, whereas before that I was uncomfortable looking at my practice numbers in any meaningful way. Through our weekly consultations, I learned to look at my stats one week at a time which made it easier to assess the immediate needs of the practice. Now, it’s the first thing I grab when I see the new stats sheet sitting on my desk. Whether it is a good week or at not so good week, I now have the skills to make changes based on what the numbers are telling me.
I appreciated the fact that AMI does not come into your office to implement a cookie-cutter solution, but rather they trained me as the owner to be a better manager and a smarter business person. We are not taught how to run a successful business in school. AMI simplified this large subject area into bits that are easy to apply on a daily basis.
I am much more confident today about running my practice than in those early days. Thank you AMI. I look forward to working with you as I transition into my new office space later this year.

Dr. Chantal Plant
Blackburn Shoppes Dental Centre
2668A Innes Road
Gloucester, ON K1B 4Z5
AMI is a company that every healthcare professional should investigate. Our office has surpassed the production that we were promised. I personally feel that without the systems we now have in place, I would still be working longer hours with less production.
Dentists are taught how to do dentistry and not how to do business. The monetary production has never been as important to me as the level of service I provide to my patients. What AMI has done is relieve me from the extras in the business so I can put 150% of my focus on what’s important – my wonderful patients.
Two years ago I opened my own clinic and simultaneously joined the “Art of Management Program”. This program helped me grow and organize my business more efficiently than if I would have started on my own. The courses and coaching enabled me to make sense of everything involved in dentistry, being an owner and employer.
My increase in patient growth is a given as long as I follow the principles that the Art of Management Program has taught me. The proof that this program works is not just in my numbers but also in the reflection of what others say about my business looking in from the outside. Patients feel comfortable and compliment us on how organized we are. In turn, they refer their friends and family. A lot of my colleagues can’t believe how fast we’ve grown in such a short period of time.
I would like to sincerely thank Marg, the administration staff and all the supervisors for their help. You can rest assure that I tell other professionals at every opportunity about how great the “Art of Management Team” has been for me and my clinic.

Dr. Louis Drouin and Dr. Alexandre Tache
514- 630-6899
403 – boul St-Jean
Point-Claire, QC H9R 5M9
As healthcare professionals, we are trained to excel at the highest level in our particular field. Naturally, we are constantly taking continuing education courses to increase our scientific knowledge. Unfortunately, the administrative and management aspects of our practice were somewhat left behind. Our perceived success gave us the false impression that we had achieved our full potential and that things could not get any better.
This is what we were thinking up until a year ago. The management demands were becoming too great and we finally felt that we were not producing to our full capacity. In addition, the stress levels were getting quite uncomfortable. It is at this moment that we made our best investment by joining the Art Of Management Inc. group.
Their keen assessment of our practice and their advices gave us the confidence to introduce significant changes in our clinic management. Although these adjustments created some initial resistance, the long term benefits were significant with increased production, better service, shorter waiting lists and lower stress levels. We definitely would not go back to the old ways!
Thank you for making our business a better one – Merci à mon AMI!

Dr. Jeremy Fournier
82 Hospital St
Bath, NB
What would you do with your free time? AMI asked us that question!
When we started with AMI we were tired, stressed, overworked, overwhelmed! Take your pick! We had no idea that the things we would learn would change So many things!! We learned “how to handle our situation”. For that, we are forever thankful!
And….. we are enjoying our free time!
Thanks AMI

Dr. Sneha Chacko
Stonehaven Dentistry
7470 Airport Rd., Unit 2
Mississauga, ON L4T 2H5
After running my practice for two years, I approached AMI looking for assistance in managing my business. As I was a first time business owner, I needed some guidance in making sound business decisions that would lead to a sustainable future growth.
Philippe immediately guided me into putting defined roles and responsibilities in place so that employees knew what was expected of them. This immediately lightened my workload as much of my workload was placed back to the employees, where it should have been from the start.
The training courses provided me with the help I needed to navigate through and manage the different types of employee and client personalities.
After one year of being with AMI, I now have increased my monthly billings, my patient list and the number of office staff.
I have found that the tools AMI has provided are essential for any practice owner desiring a successful and fruitful practice.

Dr. Jodi Nickerson
(902) 543-5713
447 York St.
Bridgewater, NS B4V 3K1
I have had great success with the program at The Art Of Management. For me, it’s been great to have access to a consultant. My Consultant Philippe gives great advice and always has an interesting perspective on things. He’s insightful and that is always helpful. It’s nice to be able to get his opinion on things and to be able to bounce ideas off him.
Moreover, the program at AMI has helped me take control of my practice. I had problems asserting myself with staff and AMI gave me the courage to handle this. I have also benefited financially; we have had some of our best months production-wise since starting with AMI. Keeping track of production, down time, no-shows, etc., has helped me get a good handle on things.
All of this gives me a feeling of well-being and enables me to relax and enjoy my work instead of feeling stressed.
I highly recommend AMI’s services!

Dr. Abdul Wehbe
Strathcona Dental Clinic
8225 105 Street, Suite 303
Edmonton, AB T6E 4H2
The AMI program is one that every health care professional should take. I worked as a dentist for 15 years before taking this program and I thought I have seen it all, but there were some issues I wanted to address.
First of all, AMI has a personality questionnaire that is very accurate and useful. It helped me pinpoint the areas of strengths and weaknesses of the existing staff and applicants. It helped me put the right person in the right position and prevented a lot of staffing conflicts and headaches.
The course on people skills was an eye opener for me. It helped me understand my staff’s and my patient’s different personalities and learn how to communicate with them more effectively and with ease.
The system of managing by statistics taught by AMI and the software that goes with it is nothing short of amazing. It helped me as the business owner to accurately pinpoint the trouble areas week by week and to make the necessary corrections for smooth sailing.
The consultant I had (Bob) is a business genius. With his help and advice I was able to implement a plan that expedited the growth of the clinic and formulated a successful exit strategy as well.
I now enjoy my work with a lot less stress. My staff tell me that I am a better boss! It also helped my production to go on a steady climb.
I highly recommend this course. Thank you Janice, Bob and Liz.

Dr. John Inigo
246 Bertie St
Fort Erie, ON L2A 1Z6
In the beginning, I was very skeptical about the return on investment from AMI’s services, and wondered if it would really work for me. It took me a little while to come to terms with this and sign up.
One thing I did know was that the problems bogging me down in my dental practice were happening more and more each day, so the solution was to give AMI a shot – I can only do better.
For me what clicked was: (1) the expert coaching (consulting), and, (2) the management courses. Through the courses involved, I felt increasingly empowered and I learned to find solutions that I could do on my own to remedy all my concerns about the office. The Sales Workshop was phenomenal. Everything started to come together.
With AMI, I went from feeling not in control and worrying about making mistakes, to a point where I was in full control and making a mistake wasn’t a problem because I now had the tools to fix anything.
To sum it all up: for me, working with AMI resulted in freedom. The initial investment was paid back to me four times during the first year with AMI, but I wasn’t worried any more about the return on investment because the feeling of freedom and control were priceless. In the second year of consulting, my office has continued to grow by leaps and bounds.
Thank you, AMI team!

Dr. Michael Robinson
231 Bayview Drive, Suite 301
Barrie, Ontario L4N 4Y5
(705) 737-2381
Twenty-five years of owning a business doesn’t necessarily mean you have “figured it all out.” I had even taught practice management, however, I realized I wanted some help and I believe things happen for a reason. Being introduced to the AMI team last year was the piece of the puzzle I was missing. You have really hit the nail on the head with your practice management style.
My leadership is now much more effective and the application of your “management by statistics” system is showing its workability by the increase in my production. I can look into my future schedule for the next few weeks and have confidence that they are going to be good. Our dental practice is just getting better and better, and we are still having fun.
I now can turn off my “dental brain” in the evenings and weekends, which means more effective family time. It’s all good!
Thanks AMI

Dr. Steve O’Brien
608-100 Arden Street
Moncton, NB E1C 4B7
I was getting frustrated with my Dental practice. To me the numbers were OK but I wanted to get into advanced restorative and esthetic dentistry. I knew I would grow more and more bored with “fillings” and the ever-present staffing problems and the answer to me seemed to be to take it “up a notch”.
However being in my 50’s I could not afford any big errors. I had engaged a well-known practice management company in the late 90’s and although I learned a lot, I lost about a third of my practice as a direct result of some policy changes I instituted at their direction. I couldn’t afford a repeat of this. As well I found that although staff problems were minimal while I was under the consultant’s direct coaching, things soon went back to the old ways.
In 2003, I attended one of AMI’s seminars and I felt they had something for me. After meeting with their practice analyst, I signed up for the program. What AMI offered was a coached program that set specific goals and measured them with easy stats.
I now have a highly motivated team led by a treatment coordinator who really runs my practice. I am now one of the top producing prosthetic dentists, I’m doing lots of complex restorative and esthetics, and my practice grosses almost twice what it did when I started with AMI.
And finally, I now have the tools I need to run my own ideal practice.

Dr. Greg Lozowski
Clayton Park Shopping Centre
278 Lacewood Drive
Halifax, NS B3M 2N8
Proceeding with The Art Of Management training and consulting was one of the best decisions of my career.
It has empowered me to take control of my practice and achieve a level of productivity I never thought possible one year ago. I am excited about dentistry again because I feel like I am in the driver’s seat and I can steer my office in the direction I want it to go.
My staff are happier and my patients as well because they are receiving the care they need. It is a wonderful place to be.

Dr. Hussein Shivji
200 – 522 7th Street
New Westminster, BC V3M 5T5
I started with AMI back in 2011 after purchasing my second office and realizing that I needed help. I had taken some practice management courses over the years and believed I was capable of managing the offices effectively. What I didn’t realize at that time was that managing two offices was not twice the effort of one but exponentially more than double the effort.
After struggling for a few months I was fortunate to be introduced to Janice Wheeler and the team at AMI. Going through the program gave me skills to manage the offices better. I learned to use statistics more effectively to keep my teams accountable for their performance. I also found the consulting component so effective in helping me grow the practices that I have continued using their consulting services over the years using my consultant as a coach to help with continued growth.
AMI has definitely helped me develop as a manager but more importantly, it has helped me grow both my practices. Thank you AMI.

Dr. Adam Pite
Oak Bay Dental Clinic
(250) 592-3013
2015 Oak Bay Ave.
Victoria, BC V8R 1E5
In teaming up with AMI, a dentist-owner develops and builds simple systems to help make responsible decisions, rather than emotional or gut decisions with easily measurable metrics. For me, it allowed me to start making the necessary choices to better the operation of my business/practice, but also to greatly enhance the quality of my life outside of work.
Thank you.

Dr. Nancy Beaudoin
201-1600 Boul Cure-Labelle
Laval, QC H7V 2W2
With very little experience in managing alone, I took a chance and got help from AMI. Profits have gone up 46% as a result. I feel in control of my business more than ever before, and my view of the future has opened up. Thank you AMI, you are really my new friends.
Your life can always get better. Team up with the right people and win. Being a dentist is great – don’t be shy about your success!

Dr. Mohamad Salamé
Maplewood Dental
421 Linwell Road
St. Catharines, ON L2M 2P3
I remember getting the phone call: the first time I heard about AMI. I remember thinking “not another consultant”! However, I decided to go through with the exploration, data gathering and the interview meeting. I was desperate to turn things around in my practice, especially after trying for 2 years on my own without any success.
I fell in love with the idea of empowering and educating practice owners to become better managers and more successful practitioners. The process was unique and I learned a lot about successfully running a business.
Signing up was the best decision I ever made for myself, my staff and my practice. AMI has allowed me to understand how to set goals and achieve them without added stress or additional time commitment at the practice.
I’m on my 5th year with AMI and my practice hasn’t stopped growing. We’ve added more staff and currently in the process of building more space.

Dr. Bruce Neumann
200 Boudreau Road
Saint Albert, AB T8N 6B9
Dear Colleague,
The knowledge gained and the help received from The Art of Management program has been of great benefit to my practice and me. It is a program that I would highly recommend to other professionals.
Before enrolling, I was in a situation where my practice was attracting a large volume of patients. However, I was unable to effectively handle them. The patient base was constantly increasing but production was not. I was lacking managerial skills and, as a result, practicing dentistry was very frustrating.
The Art of Management program came to my attention and seemed to be the one that would best suit my practice. The key characteristic about their program is that I, the business owner, was taught the managerial and business operation skills that were not taught in dental school. Now I can manage my own practice fully equipped with the tools needed for success. Other practice management groups teach dental offices to implement specific strategies they have worked out. I did not want to be fitted into someone else’s mold. I was looking for a program that would allow me to develop a program which suited my needs. The Art of Management has given me that freedom.
The techniques learned and the knowledge gained are very comprehensive. They can be applied to all management aspects of a healthcare practice including: financial management, staff management, staff hiring, strategic planning, interpersonal communication and conflict management, just to name a few. The organization of my practice has increased tremendously such that patients will compliment the staff and myself on how well the office operates. The climax of this is a tremendous increase in production. Of all the courses that I have taken so far, this is the only one that paid for itself within months of starting the program.
For anyone looking for a means to reduce the stress of operating their healthcare practice, gain control of their practice and at the same time increase production, I would highly recommend The Art of Management.

Dr. Anca Catona
2130 Austin Avenue
Coquitlam, BC V3K 3R8
I joined AMI one year after purchasing my own practice. Their course was an eye-opener for me in terms of the problems that my practice was facing, but also it made me realize the potential that was there for the future.
My revenues have increased, I am more comfortable and confident coming to work every morning, and I would say I am better equipped to deal with the issues that arise in my office on a daily basis.
While it is definitely a work in progress, I am delighted to have started with AMI sooner rather than later, as I can already see the results and I know much better what to aim for. Our patient flow has increased and the patients are commenting positively about the office atmosphere and about the treatment they are receiving. All in all, working with AMI was a very rewarding experience.

Dr. Jean D’Allaire
125 boul de la Providence
Lachute, QC J8H 3L4
After 28 years in practice, I was looking for a change where I could achieve excellent dentistry with less stress and more control. Though I was a little skeptical after the initial presentation, I told myself that it was probably my last chance to try and get my “ideal practice” before I retire. And I have no regrets about choosing to work with AMI.
Since I started their program and applied what I have learned to my office, the results have been amazing. Stress is down because every member of the staff knows her responsibilities and performs as a team. Now I can do what I like best: “dentistry”. Patients feel we take very good care of them. My productivity is going up without working more, just in a different way. And I have more energy than ever. Thank you AMI!

Dr. Kelly Davidoff
110 Baker Street
Nelson, BC V1L 4H2
I graduated dental school in 2007 and fortunately purchased a solo practice within a year. As a new graduate, luckily for me, I have a mother and office manager with 20 years of dental management experience under her belt. Even with her wealth of knowledge, I knew I did not want to bring any maladaptive management skills into my new practice. And thankfully I can say (and my mother agrees), I made the best decision of my life by working with the Art of Management!
I was suddenly immersed in a role of being an executive of a business, while learning my skill as a practitioner. I soon became overwhelmed with the responsibility of managing both, but thankfully AMI and my consultant, was there to coach, train and provide me with the skills to achieve success in my dental practice.
I have surpassed my expectations and I am thrilled I still have so much room to expand. I am currently in the development stage of my career and cannot express enough how pleased I am to have the guidance of AMI. The opportunities are endless and I will ascend to new heights, no doubt, with AMI!

Dr. Joshua Haimovici
J12A – 3131 Cote-Vertu
St-Laurent, QC H4R 1Y8
With the help and direction of AMI, my management focus has shifted from running my staff to a new strategy of putting in systems and structure so that they are empowered to run on their own. They are now trained to evaluate matters for themselves, based on policy, and take the right actions on their own. It has moved us away from the reflex and emotion-based management style that used to run the office.
The income has gone up and my time at the office has gone down. We focus our service on creating a total positive experience for our patients and they can feel that we really care about them. We aim to create a WOW factor for them from the first greeting to the last goodbye.
On the door to my private office are three big letters: SFZ. This stands for Stress Free Zone. Since working with AMI, this has taken on a deeper meaning and is becoming a reality.

Dr. Zina Baraz and Dr. Bashar Bashi
7- 630 Huronia Road
Barrie, ON L4N 0W5
We are pleased to say and share that our experience with The Art Of Management has been very positive. AMI helped our office to be more efficient, productive, organized and helped us to be able to run the office as managers.
It’s hard to find a company that actually follows through on promises and commitments, but The Art Of Management has delivered.

Dr. Michael Christensen
34 Matheson Street South
Kenora, ON P9N 1T6
I first heard about The Art of Management a couple of years ago while I was standing in a line at the ODA annual meeting. Someone I had never met was talking to someone else I had never met about the wonderful things that had happened to his practice since he had started with AMI. About a year and a half ago, a similar thing happened at another dental meeting, so I decided I better check out what they were talking about.
A year ago, I was ready to quit dentistry. I have always made a good living at it, but I was burned out. I thought I didn’t like my patients, and I didn’t like my work. Every day seemed dull and uninteresting. Actually, I was only one unruly patient away from turning my back on it all, selling out and going into another field entirely.
AMI was doing an introductory evening get together in Winnipeg, and I decided I would give it (dentistry) one more try. Carla from AMI was there, and she met one on one with me and heard my concerns. She assured me AMI would most definitely be able to restore the joy of dentistry to my life. I figured why not give it a try?
It took a couple of months, but AMI taught me how to take charge of my career. They started with building better communication skills and worked into more practice-specific items. As I worked with them, my stress level at work decreased. For example, I never ever used to look ahead in the schedule to the next day. What if Mrs. so and so was on the schedule? I wouldn’t be able to sleep. So I never looked. I couldn’t. AMI taught me to plan with confidence and looking ahead at the next day’s schedule is part of that. They taught me to plan with success in mind and move ahead and take charge. It’s a much different approach, and one that adds joy and a positive outlook to my life. They taught me a better way to communicate with and work with my staff. Now, I run my schedule and my practice rather than the other way around like it used to be.
Finances had never been a reason for me to be with AMI. That part of the practice had always worked very well. However, since starting with AMI, my production has increased $1,000 per day. And more importantly for me, I like my work now. I don’t worry about what I am doing at the office tomorrow. My work is interesting. I like my patients. It is a whole new beginning, and I have AMI to thank for what has happened to me. More than this being an investment into my practice, it has been an investment into a better life. Thank you to all of my friends at AMI!

Dr. Sara Hunter
20 Waterloo Street
Saint John, NF E2L 3P3
When I joined AMI in the summer of 2008, I was at first skeptical of the promises made. Such an increase in billing seemed improbable, and I wondered how and when I would recoup the initial investment.
Then I started the program, and saw immediate results. I found that myself and my team benefitted from improved communication skills, thus greatly increasing patient acceptance of treatment. All patients were being treated equally and getting the necessary work done, instead of being overlooked by my hesitance to suggest more complex treatment. Also, I found that communication between staff members improved as everybody, myself included, had better understanding of their roles and expectations.
The result from AMI have been so spectacular that I had to double-check the number for recent months’ production. As a testament to the success my office has enjoyed from implementing AMI, last month I went on vacation for a week. This caused my total monthly production and collections to drop. What was a comparatively low month since starting with AMI would have been a very good month based on my previous output. It is therefore obvious that the program has delivered results above my expectations, and I couldn’t be more pleased with my decision to join AMI.

Dr. Jean-Michel Davignon and Dr. Marc Charette
1234, Beaumont Ville Mont-Royal, QC H3P 3E5
When we first started with AMI we were already a successful practice, 2 owners, 3 associates, 22 staff and growing. But, life was hectic and stressful! AMI gave us the tools to control our business from staff management to finance and marketing. The level of stress went down, the enjoyment went up and the practice thrived.
Thank you!

Dr. Gordon Bunt
253 Dundas Street East
Trenton, ON K9V 1M1
AMI has been very empowering. I’ve gone from chronic frustration to highly motivated enthusiasm toward practice momentum, knowing that I have a plan that really works, that grows with me and most importantly still allows me to be myself (just a happier self).

Dr. Pierre Comeau
19 av Laurier Ouest
Montreal, QC H2T 2N2
Before coming to AMI, I was relatively happy with the outcome of my business, but “you don’t know what you don’t know”. In the past year with AMI, my dental clinic has had a 27% increase in billings and profits are up too. And now I know how to plan the future of my organization effectively. Thanks to everybody from AMI!

Dr. Kostas Papadopoulos
Dentistry on Danforth
249 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON, M4K 1N2
Dear Colleague:
Upon graduating from dental school, my goals were high but there was something lacking. Dental school had taught me how to be a good clinician but there was no business training at all. I started my dental practice from scratch without any real knowledge of management principles, and as a result, I suffered in the beginning. After about 5 months, I attended an introductory practice management seminar offered by The Art Of Management. But I was still skeptical. They made it seem so easy, but would it work in MY practice?
I investigated many practice management systems, each with their own philosophy. The problem with these systems was that they all involved memorizing scripts and things to say. There was a limited hands on approach with most of the “training” being done over the phone. The Art Of Management however, has taught me the general skills which can be adapted to any given situation. The Art Of Management uses a one on one approach for their training which in my opinion produces superior results.
The skills they have taught me can be adapted to any practice with any type of diversity. My personal management skills have improved tremendously and I am on top of how my practice is performing. I have more time to work ON my practice instead of just IN it. Over the past 5 years, my practice has grown to a size that many dentists are still trying to achieve after decades in practice. And I have the management tools to keep it growing.
All of these things have greatly decreased my level of stress and the implementation of these systems has enabled me to concentrate on what I like best: dentistry.
If you are having any difficulty with your practice, be it production, collections, financial planning, staff management. I highly recommend you contact The Art Of Management. It will be the best investment of your professional career.

Dr. Elie Wolfson,
159 Willowdale Ave
Toronto, ON M2N 4Y7
To Whom It May Concern:
I have recently completed my introductory course on Business Management with AMI. I went into this course with a vision of what I thought I was going to learn about running my practice, and how I could do this. Boy was I wrong!
The time and energy I have spent with AMI has given me a vastly different view of how to manage and get results. I now know how to manage my numbers and have a pulse on what is transpiring. If the pulse is weak, I can get it up to speed and know how to control it. If for some reason, business is down, I can now trace why that is happening, and act appropriately to correct that. I feel that I am much more in control, rather than waiting and hoping that conditions improve.
The skills I have acquired are not only helpful in running my practice, but also valuable when applied to my personal life and goals. Realizing my dreams is all in the planning. The program is designed so that you can progress at your own pace with the direction of a very helpful and friendly staff. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending everyone take this course.

Dr. Paul Branco
Clinton Dental
580 College Street West
Toronto, ON M6G 1B3
416-588 – 8883
After having my own practice for 3 years, my practice reached a plateau and I felt I needed help in order to take the practice to the next level. Knowing the success that one of my colleagues had had with the Art of Management, I signed on.
Initially there were some staff issues that needed to be addressed and the Art of Management was very helpful in dealing with these. Over the course of the program I began to feel like I was gaining control of my practice, instead of it controlling me, as it had done in the past. They taught me a lot about delegation of duties and not doing everything myself and feeling overwhelmed in the process. They showed me how to put the right checks and balances in place to gauge the practice and the staff, in effect they taught me how to manage a business (They don’t teach you that in dental school).
My practice has doubled in production since taking the course. Most importantly I’m doing the dentistry that I enjoy, on patients that I enjoy treating, thanks to some of the skills acquired at the Art of Management.

Dr. Michael Forman
Forman Dental Care
2200 Rutherford Rd. Ste 1
Vaughan, ON, L4K 5V2
Dear Colleague,
It was in February of 1998 that I opened my dental practice from “scratch”. I was out of dental school for 1 1/2 years at that time. Having worked as an associate I thought I had the knowledge and skills, with respect to both dentistry and business, to manage my practice.
The doors opened and we were ready for business. The practice was promoted and advertised and we did fairly well. I, however, was not satisfied. We were not growing at the rate that I was looking for. I knew something was missing. It was at this time that I was attending a seminar where I met a colleague who informed me about AMI. They sounded exactly like what I was looking for. Namely, a way to improve my case presentation skills and my business management skills, which I learned, were not at the level that I needed to obtain the success that I was looking for. After consultation with AMI I signed on.
Immediately upon beginning their program I began to feel more confident. Patients were accepting the treatment that I was proposing and I began shaping my practice to fit the vision in my mind. As production jumped and cases acceptance climbed there were other decisions to make such as advertising or which new staff to hire. Weekly consultations with Bob, at AMI, helped iron out these decisions.
I believe that AMI helped me to achieve a level of success that would have taken years longer to accomplish. I am truly shaping my practice to fit my vision. With the help of AMI I feel that THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!

Dr. Dennis Bedard
1616 Main Street
Moncton, NB
To my fellow colleagues,
My experience with AMI has been very positive. After 18 years of practice I was relatively content with the way my practice was running. I did feel it could be a bit more productive, especially after 2 or 3 years of flat revenues and increasing cost, but overall I didn’t think I could do things much differently. I enrolled in the AMI program out of curiosity to see if I could deal with these issues.
It did not take long for the program to pay for itself, both in terms of increased productivity with little effort and a positive feeling within me that I could have a more direct effect on the course of events in my practice.
What else did I like about AMI? Their program uses a simple and straightforward approach that is highly effective. I liked the fact that AMI’s goal is to train the dentist as manager and leader to accomplish what he/she wants rather than impose a “one size fits all” system. The courses and the individual consulting both contributed to a customized training. Going to the AMI center was always a pleasure because I felt that all AMI staff were genuinely interested in the success of our practice.
The experience with Art of Management has given me more confidence to positively influence the future direction of my practice. I feel empowered to deal more effectively with whatever problems of challenges might arise (rather than ignore them as I usually tried to do).
I wish AMI had persuaded me to do their program years ago.

Dr. George Oszoli
Beach Dental
1897 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON M4L 1H3
Dear Bob and Janice:
I can’t believe it’s been one year since I completed your comprehensive AMI program. It has certainly put a different spin on my dental practice. Our outlook at Beach Dental on running this type of business has been finely tuned — which doesn’t seem that big of a deal when looking at any particular component, but here the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts.
The net result is better staff, better management and utilization of staff, less stress, greater profits with fewer working hours.
The potential here is unlimited when utilization of your extensive teaching program is followed through, especially with such caring and dedicated staff as yours to monitor complete understanding of all course teachings, whether classroom or workshop setting. Special thanks to George, Dave and especially Maguite for her insistence on getting the point across.
The concept of managing comes from experience, and the one-on-one personal consulting from Bob was invaluable when having to answer to and dealing with daily problems throughout the year as related to my own practice. I found you can’t put a pricetag on this type of knowledge.
In short, a great investment in running a business, with so much more applicable to living a happier and a more content life.
Thanks again.

Dr. Michael Bishop
105 – 565 rue Priestman
Fredericton, NB E3B 5X8
The reason I looked for and found AMI was that I had patients booked too far into the future, and I was having a difficult time servicing the patients and my referring doctors. Through discussions with another specialist who has had similar problems, and used AMI, I found out that he was very pleased with the end result. This conversation helped me decide that AMI was worth a try.
After attending practice management courses at AMI and receiving individualized one-on-one consulting, I was able to take full control of running the practice instead of it running me.
A year and half later, we continue to use the management tools gained from AMI, continue to improve efficiency in the office, continue to tweak the schedule, improved communications with staff, and are working better as a team. The financial return has been quite significant as well.
The end result is I am much happier and our overall office environment is much more enjoyable. This is evident by the smooth day to day operations and the happy content staff. Best of all, I am enjoying practicing again. I have stopped resenting my practice because now I have more time at home with my family and more free time for activities outside the office.
Overall, the effort put into doing the AMI program was well worth it, and I would highly recommend it.

Dr. Dennis Marangos
Yorkville T M J Center
66 Avenue Rd
Toronto, ON M5R 3N8
(416) 924-9151
Dear Doctor:
It was six years ago that I decided to take control of my practice, but, I needed help. My accountant suggested that I speak to the consultants at The Art of Management. After some initial hesitation, we were “on board” and have not looked back since.
The approach they use is to train the dentist to be his/her own manager in all aspects of practice management. You do not have to worry if a staff member leaves the practice with all the experience; you are the one who is trained in all the parts of running the practice. You can get the new incoming staff effectively trained to be part of your existing team.
Their fees are in line with most other management companies, and with no surprises.
From the day I started with The Art of Management, my practice has changed drastically. We are amalgam free and performing more elective cosmetic procedures than the average practice. We are well versed in treatment planning and case presentation — skills that have been enhanced through my training and consulting with The Art of Management. In these days of insurance limitations it is imperative that the average dental practice be able to provide the services that the patients want.
The problems we had six years ago no longer exist. We now have more pleasant problems — how to deal with the challenges associated with success. The Art of Management trained us to handle all the new and old problems.
Whether your practice is “suffering” through these unusual times or your practice is in need of a ”face-lift”, The Art of Management has the tools and skills that you need to achieve your practice goals.