
Treatment Acceptance

Treatment Acceptance

A new patient enters your practice and sits in your dental chair and hands you their dentures.  This, however, is not the start of the sales process – that started before they even got to your practice. The beginning of the whole process is the method by which the new patient found you and chose

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Low Cost or No Cost Marketing

Want more new patients but don’t want to spend a fortune on marketing? Why should you when there is so many brilliant, free and easy ways to go about it? Our team spent 1-1/2 hours one morning last week putting our heads together to come up with a list of inside out marketing ideas for

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Overcoming Barriers

Overcoming The Biggest Barrier To Your Success

How many times have you heard or been told that all success takes is lots of action and being persistent? Well, most people feel kind of stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out.  They don’t know where to start.  They don’t know if they can do it.  They don’t know what

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Profit Loss

Are You Giving Away Your Profit?

This has been a hot topic since time immemorial.  While fee guides exist, there is often pressure to discount based on other low-ballers in the neighborhood and also pressure from the patients themselves. Dartboard approach to fee setting While provincial fee guides may not be perfect, they are far better than using a dartboard to

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From Good to Great

Interested in increasing the flow of new patients or clients into your practice? If yes, you are not alone as about 95% of healthcare practices still have room to grow. Even if you are fully booked, there is always a need for new clientele because of natural attrition due to people moving on and passing

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The Real Reason For Stress and Burnout

Someone once commented that the only stress free state is when you are dead. It is my belief however that most of us would prefer to be stress free in this lifetime! The current idea of “learning how to live with it”, while intellectually clever, is not one that we can readily accept or should

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Does “Winging It” Actually Work?

Over the years, we have witnessed many “styles” of management that were in place before beginning to work with our healthcare clients. Although most professionals do NOT “wing it” when it comes to delivering their highly technical services, the management side of things is another matter. And, to answer the question “does winging it actually

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Want To Be A Business Genius?

Some days, it seems like you have to be an absolute genius to run an efficient and profitable practice.  The question is, if you were not born that way, how can you achieve the status of genius? I discovered the following list which was written by a management expert and I thought I would pass

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Success Happens

Some people think success is only for the “lucky” or that “it’s a matter of being in the right place at the right time” or that “it’s who you know.” While it is a fact that there are people who have succeeded due to the above factors, did you know that everyone else can have

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Broken Piggy Bank

Are You Giving Away Your Retirement?

This article about discounting your fees has graced the pages of Denturism Canada a number of years ago.  However, the issue continues to rear its ugly head, so we wanted to “play it again.” The theme is:  Be the BEST and get compensated appropriately, or how to eliminate discounts in a practice.  By discounting, you

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Working Hard

Highly successful people love to work. All athletes who reached the top of their game, including Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, practiced for 12-15 hours per day to reach their skill levels. Bill Gates worked 20-hour days for years. Hard-working employees have better job security than lazy employees. Hard work helps professionals rise to the

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You Can’t Get “There” From Here…

When working to help expand a practice, our consultants frequently find that the staff and the owner are going in different directions because they have not sat down and created a mission statement.  This is important whether there is one staff member or 20. What is a Mission Statement? To be effective, a mission statement

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