Management Skills Made Simple

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

Anybody have a crystal ball for sale?  Mine went in the garbage when lockdown lasted 3 months instead of the few weeks originally predicted back in early 2020.  We will now officially be in the history books that our children’s children will read about like the smallpox pandemic in 1870-1874, or the cholera pandemic in

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time to grow


Pandemic, plandemic.  Whichever it was, it’s fading.  No more hunkering down and wanting to sleep till it all goes away, wanting to give up, tolerating stoically what is being thrown at us.  The frustrations, the sadness, the fear, and the out-of-control feeling are ending.  The regulations and restrictions and barriers are being removed. Shake it

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thinking big

Thinking BIG!

Every year, Google publishes the most searched items, and last year it was “how to survive”, “how to cope with the situation”, etc.  Now, however, the searches have changed and they are:  “how to rebuild again”, “how to start again”, etc. This means that people are stopping coping and just trying to get through each

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the golden goose story

The Golden Goose Story

Do you think your most valuable asset is a possession – your home, your car, your stereo or your savings?  No, none of these things are your most valuable asset. Even if you have millions of dollars, your money is not your most valuable asset.  In fact, it might become a liability if you get

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lack of motivation

How to Beat a Lack of Motivation?

Have you noticed that a lack of motivation can crush you and take away your interest in practising?  There are probably a hundred ways to wipe out your motivation, and you probably have experienced a number of them in your life, right? Here are some ways to help you regain your interest and energy …

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Optimum Growth Trajectory for your Practice

While 95% of practice owners want to grow their practices, number of new patients, gross incomes, net incomes, patient bases, etc., it isn’t always crystal clear how MUCH they can grow and it can be even foggier when it comes to HOW to do it. Boom or Bust A few of you are at a

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frog reading

Not meeting your practice goals?

Check out this story:  A Tale of Two Frogs A group of frogs was traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and

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Cyber Security

Protect Your Practice from Cyber Crime

Today, I received a very informative, instructional email by Dr. Lorne Lavine (The Digital Dentist) about clicking on incoming emails and how to avoid opening a “bad” email and creating a security disaster for the practice.  All staff in a practice who check the incoming email traffic should be trained on this. Here it is:

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Practice Owner Decisions

For many practitioners, moving up from being an associate where you were a staff member to now buying or starting your own practice was both an exciting adventure but also an ice water dip. There are so many duties and responsibilities that are suddenly all yours while at the same time you are the main

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fingers crossed lucky

Want to be Luckier?

Have you ever experienced times when you have been very lucky, and then other times not so much?  Wish you could be lucky more of the time?  Is there actually a way to become luckier? From various studies that have been done, the answer to the last question is “yes”!  This doesn’t mean that it

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scary-dangerous-dracula S

Do You Have a Time Vampire in Your Practice?

Do you ever reach the end of a day and realize you didn’t get done any of the things you had on your list?  Does your lunch hour get stolen to deal with emergencies?  Do you have to stay after production hours to try and catch up things, and then miss out on seeing your

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Close sign

Shut the Back Door!

While you may like your patients (or most of them anyway), even the good ones can be a little slippery sometimes, or perhaps your staff at the front desk get a little overly busy and patients slide out the back door without an appointment for their next visit.  Most of them don’t do it on

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