practice management consulting


Curiosity Killed the Cat?

  What is “curiosity,” and why is it so dangerous that it killed the cat? And then there was Curious George who was always getting into trouble by being curious (though he always got back out of it too)? Is curiosity, then, a bad thing? Curiosity is “the desire to learn or know about anything;

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Are you ready to Transition

Time for Change?

To transition means to change from one state, location or phase into another state, location or phase. For a practitioner, this can mean going from being an associate to now owning their own practice, or it can be moving from rented premises into their own building, or it can be getting ready to “exit” the

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Elephant balancing

Life / Work Balancing Act

A seasoned healthcare professional that I recently met said to me, “All this talk about going to the next level does nothing for me. I don’t even know what that means specifically. What I want is just to be happier with my life, work less, be more efficient, not feel so exhausted, and have a

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Most Popular

Are you the most popular practice around?

As a healthcare provider, you are working your little bippy off trying to deliver the best possible technical care to your patients, right? And most of your patients or clients are appreciative about this, even though they don’t necessarily tell you that. But how do you get the word out to the general population around

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Why do you need a Policy Manual and Job Descriptions?

Almost all practice owners have heard that written policy … including a policy manual, written protocols and procedures, as well as job descriptions … are necessary for their practice to run smoothly. But unfortunately, they often have very little written policy, if any, in place. Or if they do, it is often out of date.

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In control

3 Steps to Increase Efficiency

Have you ever felt like things in your practice (or your life) have gone a little out of control? Have you ever been frustrated trying to run your practice efficiently, yet you find yourself running into procrastination, slow starts, assignments or orders not followed through on, tasks dragging on forever, etc.? Many people feel that

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Employee Recognition

Employee Recognition Ideas

Never underestimate the care it shows when you thank your staff for a job well done or for going the extra mile on something for the practice. There are many, many ways of showing appreciation, from just a straight, “Thank you for doing a great job this week!” to meaningful rewards and recognition. It raises

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Lost Business?

While every member of your team is extremely important in the delivery of perfect service to your clientele, the people who hang out at the front desk play a huge part in the growth, size and profitability of your practice. In fact, the business starts and ends at the front, from a patient or client’s

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How Can YouTube Grow Your Practice?

Like most practitioners you probably would like an increased flow of new patients, right? And there are probably many hundreds of ways that we know of that will accomplish this task. One of them is the use of YouTube. Why YouTube? It’s a free way of marketing to the whole wide world. You can make

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Service Above and Beyond

Have you ever bought a product or paid for a service where you didn’t quite get what you thought you were paying for? Not quite the expected quality? Or not the level of service and care that you thought you were entitled to? Did you grumble about it to yourself and just resolve not to

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Increasing Efficiency

A practice can be a very busy environment and the pace can be fast and furious with patients coming and going.  It is easy for things to fall through the cracks.  Sometimes important things.  Things that are dropped service to the patients and cause upsets.  You may, as the boss, find yourself firing off orders

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Well Done

Bosses Who Sing Praises

There are many stories about bosses you could live without, who get angry and make your life difficult, and you may have experienced some of them yourself. We won’t go there today, but rather, we are going to look at the ideal world. Most staff are satisfied with their jobs overall. But what takes a

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