management training

Life Re-Purposed

Life Re-Purposed

What direction is your life taking?  Are you on-track for where you want to go ultimately?  Or did you take a side road on the path of your life and you need to get back to the main road?  Or maybe you have decided to re-purpose your life and go in a new direction that

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Bare Survival or Abundance?

  Why is it that some practitioners and their practices do so very well while others are “just getting by?”  The staff and the bills all get paid (or not), but what is left over is just not good return for 7 or 8 years of post secondary schooling and the burden of owning a

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Pain Relief

Management Headaches

You graduated from your professional college, excited to get producing and so you sailed off into practice.  Most of you probably associated at first to get your feet wet, start paying down some of the massive student loans, get some mentorship from the practice owner, etc. Within a few years, thoughts of ownership started weaving

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Practice Management Software vs. Human Management Skills

There are a million ads from software companies that promote that your practice management problems will all be solved by their software. But is this really true?  A software program is a definite must for a practice and very few practices are without one these days.  They range from freeware off the internet to extremely

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