management skills


Ejecting a Patient or Client

Have you ever had a patient or client like this: “Where did you say you got your degree?” “Why can’t you run on time?” “Whose vacation am I paying for anyway?” “You’re hurting me.” “Your staff is rude to me.” “Your lack of parking facilities is a pain in the butt.” “Your fees are too

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10 Reasons a Patient Would Leave You

Most patients or clients are not fickle. They have particularities and specific needs, and some are more challenging than others. The first appointment with them is of course crucial for the building of the relationship, but every appointment after that is just as vital.  Besides patients moving on (new city) or passing on, here are

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How to Use Social Media

I do not know how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. There! I have confessed it. I am constantly told that these are important Social Media avenues to reach potential clients. Apparently, most healthcare professionals (about 75%) also have little to no idea either. However, I do have staff that know the mystery of

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Field Of Dreams

A practice owner of two years recently told me that he had the idea from the movie “Field of Dreams” that “if you build it they will come”. In starting his practice from scratch, he thought that the referrals from happy clients would create the practice and rapidly fill it up. After two years of

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The Ideal Employee

If one were to stand in the shoes of an employer and ask oneself, what are the qualities of an ideal staff member, one might find the following items are on the list: 1. Don’t be a clock watcher. If you come early each day and stay till your job is done, even if it

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Want to reduce your stress?

As a practice owner, life can be a bit (or a lot) hectic and aggravating (with all the decisions to be made) and tricky (dealing with certain patient/client situations) and demoralizing (when you see your profits plummet at the end of the month and you don’t know why) and even feels like a war zone

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Is Marketing Driving You Crazy?

Marketing, marketing, marketing. Once upon a time, you just had to rent a space (oops, marketing), put a sign out front so people knew you were there (oops, more marketing), and you would attract patients or clients who would then tell others about you (oops, even more marketing), and your practice would fill up. Hmmm…

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Multi-tasking: The Invisible Time Thief

Have you ever had a day where it was non-stop multi-tasking? Staff interrupting you while you’re trying to write up some charts, while handling supplier phone calls, while trying to read resumes to decide which one to hire, while checking your Blackberry or iPhone for emails and texts, all the while wondering why so many

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It’s Show Time!

Arriving at work each day in the best of moods and everything in life just “peachy” would be an ideal scene, and one that we all would wish for. However, life sometimes just doesn’t cooperate and we wish that we could stay home and hide under a blanket. Since staying home isn’t an option for

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What Works When Managing Your Practice?

Which of these five statements do you believe are true? My business rises and falls based on the economy. My success is largely determined by luck. The weather influences my numbers hugely. I believe in fate and whatever happens, happens. My income controls me more than I control it. Of course, all of these statements

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The Four Stages of a Practice: From Love to Hate

The Four Stages of a Practice: From Love to Hate Just as products have a life cycle or shelf life, so do practice owners and managers. You can go from the fun stage (when you first started up) to the final stage of “I hate my practice and I want out” (which can go on

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Low Cost or No Cost Marketing

Want more new patients but don’t want to spend a fortune on marketing? Why should you when there is so many brilliant, free and easy ways to go about it? Our team spent 1-1/2 hours one morning last week putting our heads together to come up with a list of inside out marketing ideas for

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