A practice owner of two years recently told me that he had the idea from the movie “Field of Dreams” that “if you build it they will come”. In starting his practice from scratch, he thought that the referrals from happy clients would create the practice and rapidly fill it up. After two years of waiting he has now discovered that while it is a great movie, it is not necessarily a good practice philosophy.
In the real world, a practice is created through great management skills, not wishful thinking. How fast you build a practice up to full tilt depends entirely on your marketing and sales skills, on having awesome staff who become your “Department of First Impressions,” on superb boss skills including knowing how to manage the practice by statistics to constantly improve the practice on a weekly and monthly basis, on giving exact direction as to the actions to grow the practice, on proper financial planning, and so on.
If you are not making as much income as you would like, have an honest look at your management tools and skills in the categories above and rate yourself. Is there room for improvement? If the answer is yes, perhaps it is time to consider the fact that every top athlete has a coach — and in fact you don’t get to the top without a coach anymore.
In school, they neglected to teach you the management skills to create the practice of your dreams. We are here to take up the slack and help you get your practice up to your goals.
Call us at 416-466-6217
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