
Motivating Staff and The Boss

Make Things Happen

Words Of Encouragement

I was speaking with a staff member of a healthcare practice the other day and she had a problem.

This young woman is the sole staff member in the practice. She told me that her boss never gives her encouragement and wondered what she could do about it. She used to run 12 staff in a company and had been well trained in people skills there. One of the skills she learned was to empower her staff to take full responsibility for their own jobs and to let them know when they did things right and were doing well.

That seems pretty simple and obvious to me as that is what we train our clients to do as executives. However, you may have noticed that staff and bosses come in different sizes and shapes and flavours. Here are some tips to make it easier for both bosses and staff to have a happier team:

To the Boss:

In peak production times, things can get quite stressful for you, but also for your staff. A kind word of encouragement or acknowledgement for a job well done will go a long way to creating a happier, more productive team.

To The Staff:

Keep in mind that your boss is not only being a boss and running a business; he/she is also the practitioner and therefore has a double stress load and may be feeling a lot pressure. To relieve stress and give support, try to reduce distractions and non-vital questions during the day. And remember, bosses are part of the team too, so feel free to give words of encouragement for a job well done by them whenever you can.

Everyone appreciates being acknowledged for work well done!

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