Management Skills Made Simple


Successful People have Drive and Initiative

Successful people have certain qualities that they have developed in order to achieve their goals.  Some of the qualities are forged habits, others are just the way the person views or takes on situations or initiates opportunities, and some is the drive and energy which they invest into everything they do. How to avoid being

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Good or Bad

Treatment Presentation Error #2

You have known the patient or client in front of you for a long time and are aware of his financial status.  A procedure needs to be done that has a hefty fee and you are concerned about presenting it to him and so decide to do a lesser procedure which is not the ideal

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Beating the Competition

There are those who are total professionals about everything they do and are always striving to be the best they can be (most of our clients are in that category).  “Competition” in their area is merely a reason for them to strive to deliver the highest quality service and learn more and better ways to

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Boss vs. Leader

Bosses vs. Leaders

Many practice owners have gotten very bogged down in the management of their practices by trying to be “the boss.”  That word can even carry with it some negative connotations and an expectancy on the part of the staff that the boss is going to give them difficult orders or ask them to do undesirable

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The Revolving Door Practice

A revolving door practice is one that seems to be losing their patients or clients almost as fast as they are attracting them.  They are acquiring new patients but have a weak retention rate and lose them back out the door. Typically a practice will have a heavy focus on getting new patients or clients

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Why Have a Business Card?

Start a bonfire, make notes on the back of them, use a corner as a toothpick… many people think that’s about all business cards are good for. How many times has someone asked you for your business card and you searched your pockets, wallet or purse in vain and ended up writing your name and

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Practising in a Fog?

Days, weeks and months can speed by leaving you a little dazed and feeling like you haven’t accomplished anything.  Sometimes you may feel like you are in a fog and not sure what is going on and how to change it all.  Ever feel like YOU are “sinking the ship?”  Are your staff patiently waiting

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Fantasy Turned Dark?

Many a practitioner has dreamed the fantasy of the ideal practice:  The perfect location in a totally visible and attractive main street building, that you own, with tons of parking, a beautiful/comfortable/pristine decor, where your patients or clients will love to come and they will brag about it to their friends and family thus referring

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Bare Survival or Abundance?

  Why is it that some practitioners and their practices do so very well while others are “just getting by?”  The staff and the bills all get paid (or not), but what is left over is just not good return for 7 or 8 years of post secondary schooling and the burden of owning a

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Drive and Enthusiasm

Lost your drive and enthusiasm?

Getting up in the morning to face another day can become a bit of a chore and dragging yourself into work can become a dread.   Perhaps when you first started working, you were full of enthusiasm for the difference you thought you could make through your expertise and energy.  And now things have dulled down

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Imagine A Better Future

When you are hit with all the bad news of the world through radio, newspaper, friends, internet, and/or TV, it is sometimes hard to see a better future. Also, sometimes you have an idea that you want to achieve but never seem to get around to doing it and you feel sad that you have

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Pain Relief

Management Headaches

You graduated from your professional college, excited to get producing and so you sailed off into practice.  Most of you probably associated at first to get your feet wet, start paying down some of the massive student loans, get some mentorship from the practice owner, etc. Within a few years, thoughts of ownership started weaving

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