
Does one or more of the following ring true for you?

All Directions
  • Though hardworking, you’re frustrated at your lack of progress.
  • Your New Year’s resolutions are the same year after year.
  • You’re discouraged by the many things you’re NOT getting done.
  • You’re dissatisfied with the unimportant things you ARE getting done.

Being the CEO of a practice is not always easy, especially considering that an overriding amount of your time is spent being the healthcare provider as well as a dizzying number of other functions.

Being as this is the start of a New Year, why don’t you give yourself a treat and put aside some time to set your goals for 2011 – personal and practice-related. There is a saying, “You can’t get THERE if you don’t know where THERE is.” Perhaps writing down (in detail) where you want to arrive at will get you excited about making some changes.

Here’s an example of what happens when you DON’T do proper planning: Many practitioners sit down at the end of the month and without any planning in place, simply write out cheques for all their creditors, and then pay themselves the balance of what is in the bank account.

They fail to allocate a monthly budgeted amount for marketing or promotion in order to drive in more business which would ultimately result in more income for the practice. No planning! No growth!

If you are interested in learning how to be the CEO of your practice and make 2011 be the best ever year, call us and meet with one of our Strategists!

Call us at 416-466-6217

for a FREE Practice Assessment!


Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to The Art of Management Inc. and a clickable link back to this page.

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