
Next Level = More STRESS?

Many healthcare professionals whom we have had the pleasure of working with equated the idea of expanding their practice with doubling the current stress.

But does it have to be? In a word, “NO!

Here are a couple of Quick Tips to help you improve the current scene and then to expand smoothly without adding stress:

  • Start at the top – that’s you! Are you fully utilizing your technical team to the max? To increase your efficiency, work out what you are doing that could legally be done by your staff. Turn over these functions.

  • Adjust your practice hours to suit your life. Stress comes in different shapes and sizes, and an odd one is getting stressed out when your day runs overtime and you have to pick up the kids after school, etc. In that case, starting the day a little earlier and ending a little sooner could completely reduce your stress.

  • Work out with your receptionist how you would like her to book your “Ideal Day” for the least amount of stress for you. Let her know what kind of work you want to do and when and where in your schedule.

  • Staff accountability – you should have specific functions being done by specific individuals so that they are accountable for those activities. It streamlines your management, because you now have an exact individual to go to if something isn’t working well, and also if it is working VERY well and you want to capture that and keep it going.

  • Improve internal marketing. Work out ways to improve quality of care and service to your patients. Think like a patient and go through the practice looking at ways to increase the quality of patient care.

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