
Who’s Running the Show?


From the number of Denturists I have met with tire tracks across their chests, I’d be inclined to say that their patients are running the show!

Did you know you are the executive of a business? Have you ever considered the fact that you are the CEO of a company? True, you are also a Denturist, possibly the lab technician and a few other hats as well. However, it is your executive hat and how well you wear it that determines how much money you take home, how much time off you have and how low your stress level is.

Let’s take a look at your practice from the executive angle. Take a minute to read through the following self-assessment. Tick off each point on the list that is applicable to you. (Go on, be ruthlessly honest, only you will see the results!)

I won’t hire staff because it will cut my income

there are no good staff out there anyhow

I wouldn’t know what to do with them if I HAD staff

I’ve had staff in the past but it was a bad experience and I’ll never do it again

I could do the work myself in less time

no one else can POSSIBLY make dentures as well as I can

I have staff but don’t feel like I effectively manage them

I don’t really know how to deal with staff issues

running a larger clinic just means more work for me

I’m very non-confrontational so how would I fire someone

I’m just getting by financially but I’m okay with that

if I made more money, I’d just have to pay more taxes

I hate working evenings and weekends

my spouse/kids/dog/golf partner hate me working evenings and weekends

I know I should market more, but I’m not sure how my equipment is getting antiquated

my office decor has not been updated in the last 10 years

I feel the need to present ALL the options and let the patient choose

I hate the lack of time available for vacations each year

my spouse/kids/dog/golf partner hate my lack of vacation time

I know I should raise my fees but I’m afraid to lose business

I’m FAR too busy to organize my office

I don’t have any real goals for my practice


If you had 1-7 ticks, well done to you. Keep on reading the rest of the article.

If you had 8-14 ticks, you should do something about it, shouldn’t you? Read on, something CAN be done about it.

If you ticked off more than 14, CALL US QUICK!

Want to DO something about it?

A wise man once said, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.”

For years I have been writing articles for this journal giving lots of vital information and helpful tips. While many of you have told me you have read them and have given positive feedback, most have admitted that they have implemented few, if any, of these ideas.

The question is, why? What we have discovered is that a common reason for failure to implement is simply a lack of management training and no one to coach you to success.

For 13 years, my company has worked tirelessly to help more than 500 healthcare professionals across Canada (including 60 Denturists) improve their management skills which has resulted in increased production and income.

What are management skills?

What we do is put you in control of your practice and give you the tools to respond to what is happening in it.

If you’re not making enough income, we help you make more.

Stress levels high, we show you how to reduce it.

Not enough new patients, we show you how to effectively promote your services.

Working too many hours, we show you how to reorganize your workload.

Patients not accepting the treatment that you know they need, we show you how to gain better acceptance.

Step by step we help identify the existing problems in your practice, strategize how to resolve them one by one and get them under control. Our company is dedicated to helping you achieve YOUR goals, whatever they may be and to putting you in control of your practice. The end result of our working with you is independence based on sound business principles which you know how to use.

In tandem with our effective consulting, we tutor you on short, easy-to-do courses that increase your sales and people skills and put powerful management tools into your hands for continued success in your practice.

We are so confident about the effectiveness of our services that we now guarantee our results.  Call and take advantage of our free practice analysis so that we can determine how we can help you and what your practice potential is.

The most money you never make is while you procrastinate.

Call us at 416-466-6217 for a FREE Practice Assessment!


Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to The Art of Management Inc. and a clickable link back to this page.

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