
Hitting Your Refresh Button

From time to time it is a really good idea to sit down with yourself and do an introspective review of your practice and your life.  In other words, do an honest self-assessment as to the success and satisfaction levels in your life.

You may find that you have let things slide that you were once interested in or have forgotten some of your goals.  Or maybe your life circumstances may have changed and you need to change your way of doing things or your priorities.

In other words, it may be time to hit your “refresh” button and make some adjustments to your schedule, your goals, your income needs and so on.

Here are some questions that you could ask yourself:

  • What were your goals when you chose your profession?
  • Which of those goals haven’t you yet achieved?
  • Are they still what you want?
  • Are there new goals that have arisen that you would now like to accomplish?
  • Have you achieved all your goals and need a new game?
  • Do you have goals that seem impossible to reach?
  • Is your practice set up the way you want it?
  • Do you have the ideal team?
  • Are you an effective executive leading the team?
  • How big would you like your practice to be?
  • What hours would you ideally like to work?
  • Are you taking enough vacation time annually?
  • Are you spending enough time with your family?
  • Do you have time for other activities that you love?
  • Are you getting the net profit you feel you should have?
  • Could you be busier?
  • Are you truly proud of the technical perfection delivered in your practice?
  • Are there technical training courses you would really like to do?
  • Are you letting things slide? If yes, what are they?
  • Are there things you would like to accomplish but feel are impossible?
  • Are all your debts paid off?
  • Are you doing proper financial planning towards become debt-free?
  • Are you putting away investments to cash in when you retire?
  • Other than word of mouth, are you pro-actively marketing your practice?
  • Are you attracting the kind of patients or clients you really enjoy treating?
  • Are you keeping up with technology in your profession?
  • If you are 5 to 10 years from retirement, have worked out an exit plan?


If you were honest in doing this self-assessment there probably were number of areas of your life and your practice that you would like to hit the “refresh” button on.  Now you need to make some actual plans to bring about those changes.

Start with small stuff and get them done and work up towards the more difficult ones.

Life is to be lived and enjoyed!  Make it so!

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