

Can You Fly Higher?

Owning and running a practice can be very challenging at times, with often weighty decisions to be made and lofty goals that may seem out of reach.  At such times, the people around us can have an influence on what we do and how far we go.  The answer to the question, “Can you fly

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Treatment Acceptance

Treatment Acceptance

A new patient enters your practice and sits in your dental chair and hands you their dentures.  This, however, is not the start of the sales process – that started before they even got to your practice. The beginning of the whole process is the method by which the new patient found you and chose

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The Four Stages of a Practice: From Love to Hate

The Four Stages of a Practice: From Love to Hate Just as products have a life cycle or shelf life, so do practice owners and managers. You can go from the fun stage (when you first started up) to the final stage of “I hate my practice and I want out” (which can go on

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Profit Loss

Are You Giving Away Your Profit?

This has been a hot topic since time immemorial.  While fee guides exist, there is often pressure to discount based on other low-ballers in the neighborhood and also pressure from the patients themselves. Dartboard approach to fee setting While provincial fee guides may not be perfect, they are far better than using a dartboard to

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Make Your Practice Work For You

Canadian Denturists are well-primed to do the technical aspects of their practices. It’s taking care of business that seems the higher hurdle. With competition elbowing in and patients demanding ever more value for less money, it’s tough to stay on top and keep a practice growing. Taking care of business and being a good Denturist

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The Real Reason For Stress and Burnout

Someone once commented that the only stress free state is when you are dead. It is my belief however that most of us would prefer to be stress free in this lifetime! The current idea of “learning how to live with it”, while intellectually clever, is not one that we can readily accept or should

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Do You Have A Winning Team?

There are days when, like the rest of us, you have wondered whether you should fire all the staff. Likewise, your staff were probably thinking it wouldn’t be a bad idea to hire a new boss. What’s wrong with this picture? Having worked with hundreds and hundreds of dental practices in Canada, we’ve observed that

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Want To Be A Business Genius?

Some days, it seems like you have to be an absolute genius to run an efficient and profitable practice.  The question is, if you were not born that way, how can you achieve the status of genius? I discovered the following list which was written by a management expert and I thought I would pass

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Evolution is Necessary

It was with much interest that I read the very important editorial, “Have we lost our way?” by Carlo Zanon (who is a very conscientious denturist and a cool dude) in the Fall 2003 edition of Denturism Canada, as well as the responses in the last issue and this one.  It certainly provoked a lot

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Treatment Acceptance

Treatment Presentation Errors

One of the most successful aspects of our work with clients over the last 16 years has been helping them to correctly present treatment plans to their patients. But, no matter how wonderful your treatment plan is, the patient’s acceptance of it can be sabotaged by any one of the following sales pitfalls: Don’t Make

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Buying or Selling

Buying Or Selling A Practice

Establishing the value or worth of a practice is a complex matter.  There are more than 30 ways in which to calculate the value of a business and in fact there is a specialty certificate for accountants that deals specifically with this.  A practice, no matter how it has been appraised, is only worth what

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Your Role as a Leader

“He who thinks he is leading but has no one following him is only taking a walk.”  – Anonymous Being a leader was not necessarily the role you consciously went for when you chose to become a denturist.  However, now that you are the owner of a practice, it is best to know everything you

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