
Room with a View

Have you ever worked somewhere where there are no or few windows and the walls were bare?   And worse yet, maybe the walls were beige or grey?  And walking in every day was a bit of a let down, especially if it was sunny outside before you came in?  How did that make you feel?  Did it bring you up or depress you?  And how do you think the patients or clients feel about it?

Many practices have certain rooms that have no windows or else there are windows, but they have colorless coverings.  While it IS possible for you to sit there and project an image from your mind onto the bare wall and daydream, perhaps there is an alternate solution.

Least expensive solution

(besides doing nothing!)

Get some paint advice at the store as to a warm or lively colour scheme that pops or one that sooths in a warm way, etc.  Whatever makes you feel better when you walk into your office each morning, and will do the same for your staff and patients/clients.  Also, hint:  you do not have to wait 5 years before changing colours.

A little more expensive

Add in some wall art.  You can get photos you have taken of seascapes, forests, boats, people, etc. blown up quite large and fairly inexpensively online and then buy suitable frames.  Change them all the time.  If you don’t have photos of your own, there are sites online where you can pay a few dollars to buy them.

There are awesome paintings or prints at Michaels, Home Sense, Home Outfitters, the Bay, art stores, etc. that don’t cost an arm or a leg.  You can rotate their locations in the practice and then eventually retire them and buy fresh ones.  Keep changing the view!

Go for the gusto

You can always invest in high quality art that totally pops.  Walking into an office with bright, tasteful, colorful art can take your breath away.  It makes a visual impact and you feel better just being there.

Good lighting for the art also helps make it stand out.  It costs a bit to have installed, but once done, it is there forever.

Have fun with this and get your staff and patients/clients input as well!

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