
Put Your Teeth on the Nightstand – how did this happen?

(A story straight from a patient’s mouth.)

I used to think I was winning the dental hygiene game. Twice-daily brushing, regular flossing, even that spicy, minty mouthwash that made my eyes water—a perfect trifecta! My teeth were flawless, or so I thought. Now? My teeth are sitting in a cup on my nightstand, and I’m left wondering: How did it come to this? Was it my fault, or should my dentist have done more than just poke around, nod, and wave me out the door?

The False Sense of Security

Every six months, I waltzed into my dentist’s office, confident I’d get a gold star for my immaculate dental habits. I’d say things like, “No cavities, right, Doc?” hoping for the pat on the back I believed I deserved. The response? A polite nod and a vague “Keep it up!” before I’d head home, content that my dental destiny was secure. My dentist had spoken, and I trusted his word as gospel. No serious warnings, no sales pitch about what I actually needed—just a quick clean and out the door.

This got me thinking: Could my dentist have sold me on better care? Could he have mentioned more than just the basics?

The “Oh No” Moment

There came a day when my carefree checkups hit a speed bump. Instead of the usual high-five, my dentist muttered something about “bone loss” and “recession.” The mood in the room shifted from casual to clinical, but it wasn’t a conversation about prevention or treatment—it was more of a warning siren that I didn’t know how to hear. My dentist tossed around terms like “root canal” and “crown,” but no one explained that this was my dental ship sinking slowly over time.

Where was the urgency? The call to action? Shouldn’t my dentist have sold me on saving my teeth before they wound up in a cup?

The Sales Conversation Dentists Avoid

Look, dentists, here’s the thing: We trust you. You’re the expert. If you tell us our gums are receding like the tide, we believe it—but we also need more than the clinical facts. Patients like me need to know why it matters and what we can do about it before it’s too late. And this is where sales skills come in. You can be the best technical dentist in the world, but if you don’t sell the treatment that your patients actually need, they might leave your office with a smile that looks fine… until it’s not.

You don’t need to be a slick car salesman to sell. It’s about communication, not manipulation. Explain the risks, give us a clear picture of what’s happening, and make sure we understand what’s on the line. And don’t be afraid to recommend those upgrades—the deep cleanings, the custom night guards, the fluoride treatments that could keep teeth on our gums and not on the nightstand. Patients will appreciate that you’re looking out for them long-term, not just giving them a quick brush-up.

What I Needed to Hear

Had my dentist pulled me aside early on and said, “Listen, you’re doing fine, but you could do better—and here’s why,” I would’ve been all ears. Explain the dangers of waiting, break down the costs of not acting now, and for the love of enamel, offer me options! Whether it’s preventive treatments, periodontal therapies, or just upping my hygiene game, patients like me need that conversation.

If you’re not confident in selling these things to patients, learn how. You have the power to help people keep their teeth, and it doesn’t hurt to have a stronger financial foundation for your practice either.

The Nightstand Reality Check

Ultimately, my teeth didn’t make it. Was it all my fault? Maybe not. But with better communication—and dare I say, a bit of salesmanship—things could have been different. Don’t let your patients leave with the illusion of safety when a storm’s brewing in their mouths. Sometimes, we need to be sold on the solutions we didn’t even know we needed.

Because no one wants their teeth on the nightstand if they can help it.

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