Dental Practice Management

Dental practice management consists of a dental consultant, working with the owner of the practice, to guide and direct the practice towards reaching the owner’s goals.
It is not the goals of the dental consultant that are important at all but rather the goals of the owner. It may be the moving of the practice from an assignment practice to fee for service. Or it might be training and working with the owner to properly manage the practice. Also, it may well include the development and implementation of a plan for dental practice marketing, depending on the needs of the practice.
Management of the Dental Practice
The Art of Management Inc. focuses on dental management, and bringing the owner to the point where they proactively manage and direct their practice towards the achievement of their goals. To begin, information is obtained from all staff and providers, statistics are collected and other data as needed. This then becomes the starting point in the first consultation with the dental practice owner, and an overall strategy is developed.
Then, through a series of action plans (short to-do lists), the strategy is implemented over the next year. Typically, a thorough review of the hygiene department will be included. For example, we would look at specific items that need to be changed or modified, in order for it to become more productive and efficient. Often some dental hygiene coaching will be included.
Management through Statistics
One key aspect of dental practice management is the implementation of a system of management by statistics. This would including a bonus system which encourages all staff to work more effectively. Your dental consultant works with you on a weekly basis, examines your practice statistics and ensures that you are taking the correct actions so the practice prospers.
Practice Management Strategies
If situations not envisioned by the overall strategy occur, then your consultant works with you to deal with and correct them. It has been found that the owner often knows what needs to be done. However, they just require a sounding board and some “push” in the right direction to actually deal with the matter. On other occasions, the consultant will introduce brand new concepts that thoroughly update and handle the situation.
The consultant basically wants to work with the owner to help them gain full control of their practice, with the ability to manage it with confidence.