Chiropractor Testimonials

Dr. Michael McLauchlin
HONS. BA., D.C. Chiropractor / Certified Acupuncture Provider
110 Talbot St W
Blenheim, ON N0P 1A0
I had been in practice 14 years before starting the program with The Art Of Management. My practice was going well but I felt it could be better; I was able to maintain our practice but I felt it was difficult to create consistent growth and I couldn’t seem to correct this on my own. Starting the program at AMI gave me the exact information on how to create consistent growth and the needed structure to develop my practice to the next level. I have been able to expand consistently over the last 3 years, and have, in fact, achieved our highest levels to date in August. Consulting with Bob helped me learn to plan and implement the necessary changes for my team to work better together achieving upward trending results.
The benefits I have received from this program have been significant. Now I know how to manage by statistics and analyze those statistics to transform them into the growth of my practice. The Sales Workshop that I attended with my staff was very rewarding. This gave our team the information and techniques to ensure the patients receive the care they need to increase the quality of their physical health. Implementing the scheduling and recall system has dramatically improved our effectiveness as well as given us the tools to better manage the delivery of the full cycle of high quality care to all of our patients.
The AMI program helped me bring my staff together as a cohesive team, allowing them to be part of the successes we are now enjoying. I don’t have to do this on my own anymore and I am no longer stressed being the “only one” responsible for the income of the practice. With the tools that I received from the AMI program, I was able to empower my staff to be a fully functioning team coordinated with the goals of the practice. I have staff who are accountable, responsible and fully engaged. I have implemented a bonus system that rewards my staff for their increased productivity and their hard work. They work better together and have invested themselves in the success of my practice. Although the practice was doing well before, for the last 3 years we are now steadily expanding, which has resulted in a consistent, substantial increase in profitability.
I highly recommend the program at The Art Of Management to everyone regardless of how long you have been practicing. Thank you to Janice and Bob Wheeler for giving me the opportunity to learn this very effective program.

Dr. Craig Anderson
Markham Family Chiropractic And Physiotherapy
128 Main Street North
Markham, ON
L3P 1Y1
Prior to my initial meeting with Janice at AMI, my practice was in a rut. We were nowhere near optimal capacity, had no firm measurements in place of our performance, and had no clear programs for office procedures and policies, marketing and promotion, or even patient retention. As a result, we had not grown in a few years. We were stagnant and without clear direction.
Upon joining AMI, I have learned how to effectively track our performance at the clinic and individual-practitioner level. This has given us the basic tools necessary to optimize and measure the effectiveness of our efforts in a number of areas crucial to professional success, from office protocols to patient experience and marketing.
Over a year later, we are now enjoying a 20-30% average increase in our income, and have clear systems in place to monitor our progress towards established goals. This fundamental methodology greatly reduces the day-to-day and long-term stress of running the clinic as it takes a lot of guess work and anxiety out of the practice-running equation.
Thanks for your help, AMI!

Dr. Jeff Sheppard
168 Rothesay Avenue, Unit 3
Saint John, NB
E2J 2B5
Phone: (506) 635-8182
When I first started using The Art Of Management’s services, I was already producing what many chiropractors are just aspiring to. However, I still felt that my two practices could be busier and I wanted to see more patients in the same amount of hours. What I didn’t expect was that they would double in a year!
The changes that AMI helped me to implement were done gradually over a year so there was no big shock of change for the staff or myself. They gave me the tools to smoothly grow my practices at a much faster rate. One of the biggest changes was learning how to manage by statistics and that affected our growth the most. This change in management style was the point where the increases really started to happen.
I am now better at managing my staff and they are all on the same page with my goals for the practices. The communication and efficiency in dealing with patients and staff is enhanced, and that’s what really helps me drive things. All my systems took effect faster and we got more productive quicker. Patient satisfaction was maintained or improved while productivity went up 100%.
Definitely any healthcare professional whose goals are to have a more efficient practice and higher productivity levels at the end of the day and week should call AMI and see if they can help you too.

Dr. Dennis Milenov
Begg Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
290 Toronto Street South
Uxbridge, ON L9P 0C6
Before signing up with AMI I had been in practice for 10 years with moderate success. I enjoyed what I was doing but I wasn’t where I thought I would be at that point in my career. AMI did a thorough assessment of my practice and showed me the areas that needed to be addressed to unlock the potential to grow. They were confident that they could help and they certainly delivered.
The business courses and consulting at AMI were instrumental in providing me with the foundation to run my practice effectively. AMI didn’t ask me to change my style of practice, or make any alterations I was uncomfortable with. What they gave me was the missing piece in my education, one that is arguably the most important – the skills and strategies for business success.
In the real world, practice and life aren’t always predictable. Through my first year of consulting, my practice grew and I saw the work I was doing with AMI return the results I had hoped for. Unfortunately, during this time my employer suffered a terminal illness that created a new set of challenges, stresses and decisions. With AMI’s guidance, in a few months I went from an associate with a growing practice to an owner of a multidisciplinary practice with new, expanded responsibilities. AMI was there every step of the way. My consultant and coach and the team at AMI were there to assist me through the process with advice on everything from my practice purchase, transition process, to hiring an associate. The consulting advice made the entire transition seamless. My year certainly brought some unique circumstances to the table and AMI handled everything professionally. Experience certainly matters.
I now have the tools to objectively manage my practice using statistics so I can continually monitor practice performance. I have the confidence and skills to effectively lead my team and continue to grow to meet my practice goals.
Going through the program with AMI was the most important business decision I have made in my career. Today, my practice is thriving, I love what I do, and I have more free time to spend with my family.
Thank you AMI!

Dr. Jacqueline Boyd
Access Chiropractic and Wellness
110-2700 Main Street South East
Airdrie, AB
T4B 2Y1
Phone calls at home, calls while on vacation, daily e-mails… there always seemed to be an issue at work. People being squeezed onto the schedule during busy times while other times in the day there was no one — leaving us questioning the quality of our care during those rush times. We hired an associate to take the strain off and to free up space in what seemed like an overburdened schedule and yet the practice stagnated. What was I doing wrong? I always seemed to be managing a problem at work and it never got better no matter what I tried.
That’s when I turned to AMI. After only our first meeting with our consultant the changes we wanted to make (and didn’t know how) were in place. After that first meeting billings immediately started increasing, the schedule eased and the work/life balance became a possibility.
Never underestimate the havoc poor management can have on your practice. Thanks to AMI, our practice has policies, clear job descriptions, good communication and a discipline policy. I can now effectively give clear orders, set goals, start projects and manage, based on facts rather than guess work. The practice is turning into a well-oiled machine and I am finally able to focus on my personal and professional goals.

Dr. Bob Sharma
Park Place Clinic
B7-666 Burrard St.
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2X8
Prior to starting with AMI, my stats had been going down for a 6 month period, and I had no idea why. By meeting with a representative of AMI, I found out that something could be done about it, and I hired them to help me get back on track.
At AMI, I received personalized consulting and some short but effective courses on running my business, and my practice got back on track and is doing very well.
This has been a great stepping stone for me because I am now more at ease and confident that I can control my practice’s numbers and continue it’s growth. I can safely say that my stress level has definitely gone down, while my income has gone up substantially (95% increase).
I would highly recommend AMI to anyone who has a practice and wants to go to the next level.

Dr. Gavin Morphet
911 Golf Links Road, Suite 101
Ancaster, ON L9K 1H9
Since starting the AMI program, I have gained several valuable benefits.
Implementing their management system has improved the production and accountability of my staff. Statistics-based goal setting and performance measurement has been the motivating factor improving production and helping staff prioritize their resources. The program has allowed me to have better control over my practice volume. Monitoring the weekly statistics has allowed me to react to changes in the practice in a more timely fashion, and to measure the impact of internal and external marketing programs more effectively.
Changes recommended by AMI have improved the quality of care I am providing. I now delegate and direct tasks that are not necessary for me to perform, allowing me more time to focus on improving other aspects of patient care. The tools I am receiving through AMI allow me to build the practice I have always wanted. Thanks AMI.

Dr. Clayton Roach
1160 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS B4A 1C1
I started with AMI in September of 2007. Without realizing it, I was embarking on a journey that would bring confidence, success and empowerment to me and my practice.
Two years prior to joining AMI, I had opened and grown a very successful chiropractic clinic. However, success to me was bitter-sweet. I soon realized I did not have any system in place to explain my growth nor to ensure it continued. Worried at the thought of not being able to reproduce my results for years to come, I grew frustrated. I wanted business principles that would allow me to assess my practice like I assessed patients on a daily basis.
Joining AMI answered everything for me. I am now equipped with the tools needed to assess, explain and predict any given situation that arises in my practice. My actions are no longer reactive but instead, calculated and reproducible. AMI has also given me the skills needed to better manage my staff and make them part of the growth. Thanks to AMI, I have peace of mind knowing that my business is being managed properly with sound business principles and ethics. I can now spend more energy introducing more patients to this wonderful profession that I love and am grateful to be a part of. Thank you.

Dr. Tanya Slapnicar
Unit 20, 314 Harwood Ave. S.
Ajax, ON L1S 2J1
Last year, before we joined AMI, we were frustrated about the growth of our practice.
We had certain people working in our wellness centre who essentially were holding us back. Plus, we couldn’t find the way to plan for greater growth. When we were approached by AMI, of course we were reluctant at first because there are always tons of marketing programs that claim to know the secret to a successful practice. However, after completing the program, we can say with certainty that this program was definitely worth doing.
Making changes to your practice can be very difficult. In the past, we stalled when making decisions involving significant change. AMI taught us that in order to move to the next level, change was necessary. Through the courses, we learned how to objectively look at all aspects of our practice and use statistics to apply certain steps and programs for practice growth. We also learned how to more effectively communicate, which is an essential component to a successful practice. We have implemented more procedures and plans, and have delegated more duties so that less of the stress is placed on us. Throughout the year, we have watched as our statistics have steadily climbed, and ultimately our income has followed. The program has left us with the tools to continue to grow our practice by using solid business strategies rather than slick sales gimmicks or pressuring tactics. We would highly recommend this program for anyone who is looking for a way to improve and build their practice.

Dr. Nikhil Bair-Patel
Integrated Health Centre
1036 Pembroke Street East
Pembroke, ON K8A 6Z2
Before I get to the crux of my letter, let me preface it with a synopsis of the relevant events and the ensuing repercussions.
Two years ago I became very concerned with fundamental aspects of my practice, as my gross income was increasing my bank statement was becoming increasingly poorer. The two did not seem to correlate! My staff was not concerned nor were they interested in further investigation, they were content to make me unsubstantiated statements as to the reasons for a lack of new patients or why patients were not returning for care. This was a difficult period for chiropractors because we were going through a bad time with negative publicity in regards to cervical manipulations and stroke and the Ontario Government was strongly contemplating delisting chiropractors from the health care plan within the next 3 months. During this time an old patient, who is a Denturist, came back for care and was telling me of the wonderful transformation that had occurred to his practice. He stated that he had taken the management course from AMI and that all the advice was straight forward, simple and easily applied.
I knew that I was not prepared for the changed about to happen to our profession and so after deep discussion with my wife I called you. Your team came in with a thorough system of evaluation that included assessments by all stakeholders in terms of the purpose of the practice and how things were being run and personality assessments. You then sat my wife and I down and gave us the plan that we were to implement.
It was a simple plan, but it was not easy to put in place as it made me think of every little step that I had to do. I didn’t do things this way before; I just did it! So as I have implemented the little steps this has fundamentally changed how I do everything. Now as ideas are brought forward, they are broken down into little steps and then implemented, and it is stress free and easy. AMI gave me the means to monitor whether these changes were effective by using statistics. Now I don’t have to make excuses or guess what is happening in my practice. AMI did not give me a cookie cutter approach to enhancing my practice; they created a solution particular to my personality and practice methods.
As a consequence of what AMI has taught me, I am a significantly better owner/manager, husband and father. I am successfully managing my practice and another business; I am much happier and significantly stress-free.
I would like to wholeheartedly recommend your program to any professional who wants to effectively manage their practice and create a positive and stress free environment for staff and patients alike.
Thank you very much for all you have done for my staff and I.

Dr. Sheldon Campbell
Campbell Chiropractic Health Centre
7 – 60 Colchester Square
Kanata, ON K2K 2Z9
Dear Colleague:
First, let me start by saying that I do not give testimonials or references often. it is something that I take very seriously. When you give a recommendation or referral, you are putting your moral fabric, your name, and your reputation in the hand of someone other than yourself. Let me now say that I have absolutely no problem in placing my name and reputation in the hands of The Art of Management.
Over a year and a half ago, I received a mailing from The Art of Management. I thought, undoubtedly, another practice management firm ready to sell me a bill of goods, telling me I had to change my style, my office setup, and my morals to be able to succeed as a Chiropractor. However, it was different. No “Ra! Ra! pounding” on your chest for chiropractic, no promises of greater patient numbers, higher income, and more time off! What they were offering was an education on how to become more efficient, more accountable, a better manager, and a better business operator. This turned out to be just what I needed.
I was 4 years into my practice, and I was nowhere near where I thought I would be. I was providing excellent care for my patients; however, my knowledge of the business aspects in chiropractic was lacking, as was my managerial skills. I was working hard, but seemed to be progressing at a very slow rate. My income, my energy levels, and my patience were becoming less than adequate.
Within 2 months of working with AMI, it felt like a weight was being lifted from my shoulders. I had more time to concentrate on giving quality care, knowing that I had all other encompassing things under control.
It has now been over a year since I started with AMI and my practice has undergone a wonderful transformation. I feel comfortable in what I am doing in all aspects of the business. I have not changed my philosophy, my style of practice, my morals, or the quality of care that my patients have come to expect, and as a bonus my income has doubled.
If you are looking for something that lets you be you, AMI is your only choice.

Dr. Mark Bodnar
Bedford Chiropractic Clinic
202 – 1475 Bedford Highway
Bedford, NS B4A 3Z5
Almost a year ago I received a mailing from the Art of Management. I had received similar mailings in the past and this one was destined to follow the others into the trash. I figured that all practice management seminars were the same – techniques for ramming more patients through the office or advertising gimmicks to attract new patients.
This time the name on the reference letter caught my eye – it was someone I knew from CMCC, someone whose judgment I trusted. The idea of boosting my practice was tempting – after 5 years of progressive growth the addition of a new associate had stalled my patient flow. After a positive discussion about The Art of Management program with a few past classmates I decided to take a leap of faith.
Now, 10 months after signing on with The Art of Management the change has been phenomenal – significant growth, I’m not working any harder (actually a few less hours) and less stress managing my office staff. The course has more than paid for itself already.
The best part is I didn’t have to sacrifice my integrity – I continue to build a medical referral practice and provide evidence-based care to my patients.
Friends always ask me what I learned but there is no one single secret to running a business well – The Art of Management has built a program combining one-on-one consulting, business management courses and patient management tools to help build your whole practice. More importantly, to teach you how to take control of all aspects of your business and keep it running smoothly.
I’m glad I followed through and tried The Art of Management program – I strongly suggest that others consider the possibilities before this reference letter goes in the trash!

Dr. Natalie Samson
15 4th Street East
Cornwall, ON K6H 2H7
Dear Fellow Chiropractor,
When I first heard of AMI, I had been in practice for 3 years and had not hired any staff yet. I did it all: doctor, reception, bookkeeping and yes, even cleaning lady! It wasn’t too difficult being from a small town. But I knew I could do less and see more patients with help. However, the whole idea of hiring, training then managing did not appeal to me at all. I was trained as a chiropractor, I knew nothing and had no interest in the area of management.
I attended an evening seminar that was organized by AMI. I was very impressed with the information they gave. It was very practical and made a lot of sense to me unlike several other chiropractic management companies, who have only cookie cutter solutions. I also noticed at the AMI evening seminar I attended there were other health care practitioners present. Now that really appealed to me. I thought to myself: “If the business/management information given could be applied to all sorts of different offices, than it must have a solid foundation”. And that’s just what AMI does. It helps you embellish your vision of your practice. No cookie cutter solutions here! You are in the driver’s seat and you can take your practice anywhere you want.
Since I attended that evening seminar, I hired staff without any problems and my practice has grown. I’ve continued on with my weekly consulting sessions, it’s great to have the continued support and feedback. All the best to you in incorporating AMI into your practice.

Dr. Guy Pelletier
Brant Chiropractic
302 – 446 Grey Street
Brantford, ON N3S 7L6
I had been in practice for only four years, with one staff member and myself, when I started to grow. This prompted me to consider adding modalities and new staff. I quickly realized that I didn’t know what I was doing, fumbling and making mistakes. It was clear that I needed help.
Call it chance, but it just happened that I received a brochure from AMI regarding their intro seminar and it just spoke to me. When I met with the AMI team for the first time, I was surprised by the depth of their knowledge on the business of chiropractic. As a matter of fact, they impressed me because they knew almost as much about chiropractic as I did.
What really attracted me to AMI is the fact that they are a management company, not chiropractors. I was looking for a consumer perspective. One of the key things for me was the fact that AMI works with your own personal practice philosophy and style; they don’t try to convert you to run your practice in a style that you don’t want to follow.
In my first class, I met a fellow chiropractor who had been in practice for 20 years. He said to me, “you’re so lucky you’re doing this now!” Although he had been financially successful, he was struggling with the management side of his practice.
Very early in my training and consulting, my consultant noticed a key area that was dramatically stunting my growth. I didn’t believe him at first, but he never pushed me; he simply said when you’re ready. I continued on for a short while without making that change, but eventually, it seemed like the right thing to do. And what do you know… as a result, my revenue soared! It made a dramatic difference.
When talking to my consultant one day, he asked me what my ambitions were. It was then that I realized I was simply in survival mode. After sacrificing so much in order to become a chiropractic doctor, I found I was just trying to pay the bills, hoping things would work out. When I started with AMI, I had one staff member and my dreams were quite small. With my consultant’s help, I realized my potential, and that led me to a much larger dream. Now my team is comprised of two doctors and seven staff members. If you had asked me to envision that before, I would have said it was impossible!
Overall, AMI gave me the tools to take charge of my practice and make it what I wanted and needed. I wanted to grow without compromising my family, staff and patient outcome. Without AMI I wouldn’t have the tools or ambition to even try to manage a practice of this size.
Practice success leads to family success. It allows us to live the life we want to live; like taking regular family vacations without worrying about what is happening at the practice and how much income we’re losing by not being there. Chiropractors believe in prevention and wellness. The same is true for AMI. Don’t ignore the symptoms of your own practice ills; don’t wait until it needs acute care!

Dr. Marie-Josee Robichaud
Clinique Chirotech Laser Clinic
234 Church Street,
Moncton, NB E1C 5A5
Thank you AMI for helping me through an incredibly eventful year.
As a result of adding innovative new therapy to our treatment regimen 2 years ago, which brought about a huge expansion in patient volume and extra staff, we decided we couldn’t continue working in our now crowded clinic. As a result, we started construction of a new clinic in April 2009, and with that a relationship with AMI.
We moved into our new facility in January, 2010, and I am finally finding the time to put my energy into building a brand new organization within this beautiful new space. With AMI’s guidance, I have learned new skills, learned a wealth of knowledge and gained valuable experience that has been indispensable in exercising my new role as manager of a multidisciplinary clinic while continuing clinical work.
I knew that undertaking this time consuming and financially challenging project would be a daunting experience and that I would need guidance. That is why I invested in getting the best help I could with AMI and am so thankful I did.

Dr. Marshall Thompson
Waterford Medical Centre
28 Sovereign Street East,
Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0
By nature I am a pessimist. Most of the promotional material I receive in the office is not even given a second glance. On one occasion, however, I noticed a newsletter from AMI with a picture of a colleague I knew. After reading the article I was intrigued and decided to give it a shot. I am glad I did.
Ever since starting with AMI my monthly income has steadily grown and my practice has become more efficient. In hindsight, a lot of the AMI program is common sense from a business perspective, but the consultants teach you how to implement the information in everyday practice leading to success.
I started the AMI program September 2009. My monthly income for June 2010 was 90% greater than when I started the program. Almost doubled!!
I am looking forward to continued success as my practice grows and matures.

Dr. Brad Murray
Lucknow Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
580 Campbell Street,
Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0
Before working with AMI, my practice was fairly busy, but I felt stressed for time, overburdened, and like I had an endless list of things to do that never got finished.
However, the main reason I joined AMI was to find a way to get home earlier in the evening to be with my family, without a drop in income. Now I am home much earlier, AND have seen a dramatic increase in patient visits and income. AMI’s one-on-one consulting helped me realize that anything you want IS possible. Things that I previously said I didn’t think would work, they asked, “why not”?
The great thing is once you know what you want, their strategic plans, coaching, and courses give you the tools to achieve your goals. I now can manage my time better, delegate much more, and have staff members that understand the practice goals and are eager to try and achieve them.
With AMI’s program, I am now able to easily track my stats and customize plans based on those stats, whether up or down. They also made me accountable for what I was and wasn’t doing in the practice. AMI has given me more confidence in dealing with patients, and managing the practice now that I have the tools in place. Thanks AMI!

Dr. Paul Charlton
Chiropractic Works
106 – 1122 Don Mills Road
Toronto, ON M3B 2W3
I would like to thank AMI for an amazing 2 years of growth.
Starting in August 2007, I took advantage of the variety of courses AMI offers in order to: better manage all aspects of my office, become a more profitable chiropractor and, ultimately, be a better provider for my #1 priority… my family.
One-on-one consulting with Bob Wheeler in addition to excellent staff instruction has given me access to over 20 years of successful practice knowledge. “Coach Bob” created an ethically personalized roadmap that was consistent with my practice style and allowed me the flexibility to finish the courses on my already busy schedule. Statistical analysis taught me how to monitor and identify the weakest links in my practice and quickly correct them through specific steps, thereby avoiding or lessening the all too common highs and lows of practice.
The results in my practice have been outstanding! My billings grew by 25% in my first year, and we are on target to grow an additional 10-15% in the 2nd year. 35% growth even though we are in a global recession!!!!
I look forward to further growth and I want to thank AMI for helping me grow professionally, personally and financially.

Dr. Andrew Stillo
27B – 3200 Dufferin Street,
Toronto, ON M6A 2T3
In 1991, I had just graduated from Chiropractic College and started my own practice.
I was interested in practice management, but all the management companies out there at the time were run by chiropractors who were peddling their own version of cookbook chiropractic success as in “do this exactly as I say, follow these scripts” etc. That just didn’t fit with my personality and what a successful practice meant to me.
What first attracted me to AMI was the fact that it was not run by chiropractors.
When I first met Bob and Janice, they were concerned about me and MY goals. When we sat down together for a complimentary Practice Analysis, the consultant asked me what I wanted to do with my practice. We met for over two hours and after that they came up with a battle plan based on my personality and practice style in order to reach my goals, both in practice and in my personal life. I signed up and for that whole year I had my own mentor. It was fantastic! I never lost focus that way, because I always had someone following up with me to make sure I was doing the things that were in line with my expansion plans.
The Art Of Management is exactly that — the art or ability of running a practice like a science. Their management tools take all the mis-emotion out of the practice. It has been almost 20 years since I worked with my mentor directly, and I still apply what I learned back then. Practice is easy when you have the right tools!
One of my personal goals was to return to Hawaii with the family one day, which we did in 2007.